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A: Would you mind if I asked you for some advice?
B: Of course I wouldn’t. mind.
A: I’m thinking of buying a used car from Ralf Jones, but I’m not sure that’s a good idea. What do you think?
B: Do you want my honest opinion?
A: Yes, of course.
B: Well … to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t buy a used car from Ralf if I were you. If you bought a used car from Ralf, you’d probably regret it.
A: I guess you’re right. Thanks for the advice.

Practice this model dialog using the following substitutions and think of some more advice:

ask the boss for a raise this week → get fired; grow a moustache → look very funny; work overtime this weekend → be exhausted by Monday morning; ………

Exercise 12. Practice these chain ideas with “if” to show how things could have been different. Example:

If he hadn’t worked so hard, he wouldn’t have passed his exams. If he hadn’t passed his exams, he wouldn’t have gone to university. If he hadn’t have gone to university...

1. He worked hard → passed exams → went to the university → studied languages → learnt Chinese → went to China → went climbing in Tibet → tried to climb Everest → disappeared in a snowstorm.

2. He bought a bicycle → went for a ride in the country → fell off → woke up in the hospital → met a beautiful nurse → wrote a best-selling novel about her → got rich → married a beautiful nurse and had three beautiful children → lived happilyever after → …

3. Mary’s mother went out that evening → Mary cooked for herself → got interested in cocking opened a very successful restaurant → had Prime Minister as customer → Prime Minister ordered lobsters → Lobsters poisoned the Prime Minister → The Prime Minister died → Mary went to prison for life…

Make your own if-chains as many as you can.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 571 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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