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Conditional sentences

Exercise 1. Open the brackets correctly:

If you (say) that again, I (scream).

I (be) surprised if she (manage) to sell that car.

If the boys (come) to supper, I (cook) chickenbreasts.

I (need) some money if we (go) out tonight.

I (miss) you if we (move) to Chicago.

Ann (be) sorry if Helen (not come).

If you (get) lonely, I hope you (phone) me - any time.

If you (look) in the top drawer, you (find) your passport.

It (be) great if Norman (get) the job.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions according to the following model:

A. What are you going to do this weekend?

B. We aren’t sure.

If the weather is fine, we’ll probably go to the beach.

If the weather is bad, we’ll probably stay home.

1. - How is Tom going to get to work tomorrow?

- He isn’t sure. If it rains, ……………., if it’s sunny …………. (by bus, by bicycle).

2. - Where are you going to have lunch today?

- I’m not sure. If I’m in a hurry, …………., if I have some time, ………….. (at the office, in a cafe).

3. - What are Mr. and Mrs. Green going to do tonight?

- They aren’t sure. If they’re tired, …………., if they have some energy, ………… (stay al home, go to a discotheque).

4. - What’s Jane going to do tomorrow?

- She isn’t sure. If she still has a cold, …………., if she feels better, …………. (stay in bed, go to college).

5. - What is Henry going to have for dessert this evening?

- He isn’t sure. If he decides to stay on his diet, …………., if he decides to forget about his diet, …………… (yogurt, ice cream).

Ask your partner as many questions as possible according to this model conversation.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions according to the model:

A. Do you think it’ll be a hot spring?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 399 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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