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Ex.3. Complete the sentences. 1. All insurance policies required of the Contractor under this contract shall (содержать подтверждение) that the underwriters will have no rights

1. All insurance policies required of the Contractor under this contract shall (содержать подтверждение) that the underwriters will have no rights (предъявлять иск), recover, claim and/ or (суброгировать) any loss and/ or damages of (любого характера) for any reason against the Operator, its (филиалы) or their agents, directors, officers and employees.

2. Marine insurance for the (сумму фактуры) plus 10 per cent (должны быть покрыты) by the Sellers.

3. The Organiser agrees (уведомлять) the Sponsor in the event of any circumstances (которые могут возникнуть) which may result in a claim under the insurance policies and shall not settle any such claim (без предварительного письменного согласия) of the Sponsor.

4. The Organiser agrees that it shall (за свой собственный счет) arrange insurance against the Event not taking place for any reason for the benefit of the Organiser and the Sponsor (в сумме) … so that the cost of … (могла быть возмещена) in such case by the Sponsor.

5. Marine risk insurance to be covered by the Buyers and confirmed to the Sellers (по их первому требованию) at least 5 days (до погрузки).

6. The Organiser agrees that he (не должен допускать какого-либо действия или бездействия) or permit any act which would result in the insurance policies being declared (недействительными) or which would result in them not being in force.

7. With (частной аварией) subject to §2 of the Transport Insurance Rules including damage caused (от крюка, масла, питьевой воды) and other cargo, and also including breakage, theft, (хищение) and non-delivery.

8. The Seller is to take care of and (покрывать расходы) for insurance of the goods with Ingosstrakh from the moment (их погрузки на борт) the truck at the rate of … per cent of the insurance amount.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 189 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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