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The models that were used to fit laboratory results were also found useful to fit pilot plant press results. It was found that Oittinen model and Calabro-Savagnone model fitted the experimental data much better than other four models, which was evidenced by minimal sum of the square of residuals and their even distribution around zero point. These two models were used to study ink mileage characteristics. The regression coefficients derived from curve fitting were compared and related to paper properties. Good correlations were found with porosity and pore size.

Ink characteristics and printing conditions are also important to ink mileage curves. However, they were not investigated at this step. A clearer understanding will be achieved after more studies. The ultimate goal is that an ink mileage curve can be programmed for the press to adjust ink input as the printing conditions change.

изменения толщины слоя и предложил модель, чтобы изучить воздействие различных бумажных структур на впитывание краски. Пористость и размер поры - главные факторы впитывания краски, оказывающие большое влияние на особенности толщины красочного слоя.

Нужно отметить, что зависимость толщины красочного слоя от свойств бумаги является обратной. Причина этого неясна, и требуется дальнейшее исследование.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 216 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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