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Exercise 2.1 Study different types of crime:

1) armed robbery 1) пограбування з використанням зброї
2) arson 2) підпал
3) assassination 3) наймане політичне убивство
4) assault 4) напад з метою пограбування
5) bigamy 5) бігамія
6) blackmail 6) шантаж
7) bribery and corruption 7) хабарництво та корупція
8) burglary 8) крадіжка зі зломом
9)drug pushing/ peddling 9) розповсюдження наркотиків
10) drug trafficking 10) торгівля наркотиками
11) espionage 11) шпигунство
12)forgery 12) підробка
13)fraud 13) обман
14)hijacking 14) викрадення літака
15)homicide 15) убивство
16)kidnapping 16) викрадення людей
17)manslaughter 17) ненавмисне вбивство
18)mugging 18) розбійний напад
19)petty theft 19) дрібна крадіжка
20)pick pocketing 20) кишенькове злодійство
21)rape 21) зґвалтування
22)shoplifting 22) крамничне злодійство
23)smuggling 23) контрабанда
24)speeding 24) перевищення швидкості
25)terrorism 25) тероризм
26)treason 26) державна зрада
27)trespassing 27) протиправне порушення володіння із завданням шкоди
28)vandalism 28) вандалізм
29)weapon assault 29) озброєний напад
30)theft 30) крадіжка
31)money laundering 31) відмивання грошей

Exercise 2.2 Read and translate the text:

Crime violates the laws of a community, state or nation. It is punishable in accordance with these laws. The definition of crime varies according to time and place, but the laws of most countries consider as crimes such offences as arson, bigamy, burglary, forgery, murder, and treason.

Not all offences against the law are crimes. The laws that set down the punishments for crimes form the criminal law. This law defines as crime those offences considered most harmful to the community. On the other hand, a person may wrong someone else in some other way that offends the civil law.

The common law recognizes three classes of crime: treason, felony, and misdemeanor. Death or life imprisonment is the usual penalty for treason. Laws in the United States, for example, define a felony as a crime that is punishable by a term of one year or more in a state or federal prison. A person who commits a misdemeanor may be punished by a fine or a jail term of less than one year.

Exercise 2.3 Complete the missing words in the sentences:

(Fine, misdemeanor, prison, term, penalty, life imprisonment, felony, classes, person, civil, community, criminal law, treason, bigamy, forgery, offences, state, laws, counties, crimes)

Crime violates the laws of a community, 1) ____ or nation. It is punishable in accordance with these 2) _____. The definition of crime varies according to time and place, but the laws of most 3) ______ consider as crimes such 4) _____ as arson, 5) _____ burglary, 6) _____, murder, and 7) ______.

Not all offences against the law are 8) ______. The laws that set down the punishments for crimes form the 9) ______. This law defines as crime those offences considered most harmful to the 10) ______. On the other hand, a 11) _____ may wrong someone else in some other way that offends the 12) _____ law.

The common law recognizes three 13) ______ of crime: treason,14) _____, and misdemeanor. Death or 15) ______ is the usual 16) _____ for treason. Laws in the United States, for example, define a felony as a crime that is punishable by a 17) _____ of one year or more in a state or federal 18) _____. A person who commits a 19) _____ may be punished by a 20) _____ or a jail term of less than one year.

Exercise 2.4 Match the type of crime with its definition:

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 13450 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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