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Text 6 how does the US court system work

Exercise 6.1 Study the vocabulary:

1) Common Law 1) загальне право
2) plaintiff 2) позивач
3) defendant 3) підзахисний, відповідач
4) impartial 4) неупереджений, справедливий
5) to determine 5) визначати
6) a bench trial 6) суд без участі суду присяжних
7) to charge with 7) покладати відповідальність; уповноважувати; обвинувачувати
8) interpretation 8) тлумачення
9) а rule 9) норма
10) to appeal а decision 10) оскаржити рішення
11) a panel of judges 11) колегія, група суддів
12) judgment 12) вирок, рішення суду
13) party to the case 13) сторона у справі
14) ability 14) здібність
15) outcome 15) результат
16) tier 16) рівень, ярус
17) to bring a case 17) пред’являти позов

Exercise 6.2 Read and translate the text:

The American Court system is based on the English Common Law system. The basic idea is that there are two sides, the plaintiff and the defendant, who present their arguments before an impartial judge (and sometimes a jury).

It is the judge’s duty to determine what the law is in relation to the particular case at hand. It is the jury’s duty, in a jury trial (or also the judge’s, in trials without a jury – a bench trial) to determine what the facts are in the case. The lawyers in the case are charged with representing their respective clients to the very best of their ability. The outcome of this process is justice.

In the United States, there are more than 51 different interpretations of this basic model. Each of the 50 states has its own rules and procedures. The federal courts also have their own rules, which are occasionally interpreted differently in different parts of the country. However, for the most part, they are all very similar.

The system is generally a three-tiered one. A case is typically brought at the lowest level or court, usually a "District" or "Trial" court. Once this case is heard and a decision, or "judgment" has been made, both the defendant and the plaintiff have the opportunity to appeal the decision to an "Appellate Court".

At the Appellate Court level, there is usually a panel of three judges who hear arguments on either side. Judges at the Appellate Court can usually only decide matters of law. The Appellate Court has three options: it can decide that the judge was wrong and change the judgment, it can decide the judge was wrong and send the case back for the judge to change, or it can agree with or "affirm" the judgment of the lower court.

Again, if either party to the case does not like the decision, they can appeal to the highest court, usually called the Supreme Court. All 50 states and the federal courts have some version of a Supreme Court. The Supreme Court decides issues in the same manner as the Appellate Court. However, there is no court higher than the Supreme Court to which to appeal. The judgment of the Supreme Court is final.

While all American court systems, or "jurisdictions," follow this basic structure there are many differences among. However, it is important to stress that they all do follow the same basic structure.

Exercise 6.3 Decide if the statements are true or false:

1. The American Court system is based on the English Common Law system.

2. It is the jury’s duty to determine what the law is in relation to the particular case at hand.

3. It is the judge’s duty, in a jury trial to determine what the facts are in the case.

4. Each of the 50 states has different rules and procedures.

5. The system is generally a two-tiered one.

6. A case is typically brought at the lowest level or court.

7. At the Appellate Court level, there is usually a panel of three judges who hear arguments on either side.

8. Judges at the Appellate Court can usually decide civil and criminal cases.

9. All 50 states and the federal courts have some version of a Supreme Court.

10. There is no court higher than the Supreme Court to which to appeal.

Exercise 6.4 Choose the best variant:

1. The basic idea of the U.S. court is that there are two sides, ___________

a) the solicitor and the barrister;

b) the plaintiff and the defendant;

c) the judge and the juror.

2. The _________in the case are charged with representing their respective clients.

a) lawyers;

b) judges;

c) clerks.

3. Once a case is heard and a decision has been made, both the defendant and the plaintiff have the opportunity to appeal the decision to an ________

a) federal court;

b) Supreme Court;

c) appellate court.

4. If either party to the case does not like the decision of appellate court, they can appeal to the_________

a) Supreme Court;

b) district court;

c) trial court.

5. The judgment of the Supreme Court is _______.

a) impartial;

b) legal;

c) final.

Exercise 6.5 Match the equivalents:

1. Видавати закони legislation
2. Законодавство legislatively
3. В законодавчому порядку to legitimate
4. Законодавець legitimation
5. Законодавчий орган legitimate
6. Узаконювати to legislate
7. Законний legitimacy
8. Законно legislature
9. Законність legitimately
10. узаконення legislator

Exercise 6.6 Fill in the gaps:

1. In the United States, there are more than 51 different … of this basic model.

2. The Appellate Court can decide that the judge was … and change the ….

3. The Appellate Court can agree with or "affirm" the judgment of the … court.

4. The Supreme Court decides issues in the same manner as the ….

5. It is important to stress that all American … do follow the same basic structure.

Exercise 6.7 Translate the sentences into English:

1. Юристи, задіяні у справі, уповноважені представляти своїх клієнтів.

2. У кожному з 50 штатів існують свої норми та процедури.

3. Відповідач та позивач мають можливість оскаржити рішення в апеляційному суді.

4. В апеляційному суді колегія з трьох суддів розглядає доводи обох сторін.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 740 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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