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Exercise 2.3 Read the statements. Are they true or false? Correct the false ones

1. The judicial system consists of courts of general jurisdiction.

2. Court decisions are binding for everybody.

3. Trial courts can hear some types of appeal.

4. A person may have work experience in the sphere of law for five years to become a judge.

5. President appoints all judges.

6. Judges are allowed to take part in political activity.

Exercise 2.4 Read the text again and fill in the gaps:

1. Judicial power in Ukraine is based on the ______.

2. It is an ______ branch of state power.

3. The decisions of courts are obligatory for _____ on the entire territory of Ukraine.

4. The court system provides ______ of justice for every person.

5. Courts of general jurisdiction are set up according to the principles of ______ and specialization.

6. ______ is administered by professional judges.

7. The judges are guaranteed the independence and _______.

8. The appellate courts hear ______ from the local ones.

Exercise 2.5 Match the term with its definition:

1) case of first instance a) freedom from a legal obligation or consequence such as prosecution for crimes
2) immunity b) the process of examining and deciding a civil or criminal case before a court
3) a judgment c) a collective term for all judges
4) the judiciary d) a member of a jury
5) a trial e) the right to use an official power to make legal decisions, the area where this right exists
6) jurisdiction f) one which is heard before the court for the first time
7) a hearing g) a meeting of a court to find out the facts about the case
8) juror h) an official decision given by a judge or a court of law

Exercise 2.6 Give English equivalents from the text for the following word combinations:

1. Судова влада –

2. Юридична особа -

3. Конституційність законів–

4. Оперативно-розшукова діяльність –

5. Юридичні факти –

6. Господарське судочинство –

7. Цивільне судочинство –

8. Правові відносини -

9. Правосуддя –

10. Тлумачення –

11. Господарський суд –

12. Правозастосування –

13. Апеляційний суд –

14. Спори –

15. Народні засідателі –

16. Законодавство –

17. Посада судді –

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 698 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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