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E) is interpreted

The European court is the highest court in 1 … The Court was established in 1952 by the Treaty of Paris (1951) and is based in Luxemburg City- unlike most other Union 2 … which are based in Brussels. The EC is the highest court of the European Union in matters of European Union law, but not 3 … with each Member having its own legal system. It make sure that EU-level legislation 4 … and applied in the same manner across the whole European Union. This is 5 … national courts interpreting the same legislation differently.

Exercise 5.5 Decide whether the statements are true or false (T/F)

1. Most EU institutions are based in Luxemburg.

2. Each Members State of the EU has its own legal system.

3. The Court can not settle legal disputes.

4. The President of the European Court is elected from among the judges every 3 years.

5. Court of Auditors considers problems of the Union’s accounts.

Exercise 5.6 Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences:

1. The European Court sits as a full Court, in a great Chamber (13 Judges) a) the judges every 3 years
2. The President of the European Court is elected from among b) or in chambers of three or five Judges
3. Here are other courts that consider c) is 15
4. The quorum for the full Court d) a chamber of three or five Judges
5. Other cases are heard by e) legal problems in the European Union

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 451 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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