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Some medicines wrongly used can make you really sick

  do   Prevent surprises by familiarizing yourself with the exact effects of your medication. Before you take it, always talk over potential effects and side effects with your doctor.   Carefully follow the instructions on your medication. Remember, take too little and it may not work. Take too much and it may cause real harm.   Talk to your doctor about alternatives to medication. Every medication affects the body. Ask your doctor about the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.   Talk over your prescriptions if you see more than one doctor. Make sure each one knows what the other has prescribed. This you can ensure you won’t encounter the problems of medications interacting badly. And you’ll avoid the possibility of one medication cancelling out the positive effects of another.   Ask your doctor or pharmacist how to take your medication and what precautions to observe. Your doctor or pharmacist can advise you of exactly how to take your medicine and of any precautions you should take, like not mixing it with alcohol.   Check with your pharmacist about over-the-counter medication. Make sure that it’s safe to use in conjunction with any other prescription or non-prescription medication you are taking.   don’t Don’t take prescription medication not prescribed for you or share your medication with somebody else. Remember, similar symptoms may not have the same cause. Remember, also, that different medications may affect different people in different ways.   Don’t hoard your medicines or use them after their expiry date. Hoarded medicines are dangerous. Once they have passed their expiry date they may have no effect at all, or worse, an entirely unexpected effect. Throughout Australia, household cupboards and cabinets are full of medicines that are long since past their expiry date. Don’t let the dangers of hoarded medicine occur in your household.   Don’t keep medicines where children can reach them. Children can often mistake medication, particularly pills and capsules, for lollies. The results can be lethal. So don’t put your children at risk. Make sure all medication is kept well out of their reach at all times.   Don’t assume you’re safe to drive. Research, both here and overseas, has found medication in the blood of one in 10 people who die on the road. If you are taking a medication and feel drowsy, dizzy, shaky, aggressive, nauseous, or if you have blurred or double vision, pull over and stop the car. You may be driving under the influence of medication.

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Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 135 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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