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Follow-up activity

Exercise 1. Whenever a drug is prescribed, to you, take time to ask your doctor the questions:

▪ Does the drug cause side-effects?

▪ Is there any food, such as milk products, that I should avoid eating while taking this drug?

… … Go on enumerating the questions.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions with more than one sentence.

Read the label of any drug you might be taking at the moment. Are you following all directions exactly?

1. Drugs affect each person in a different way, depending upon certain chemicals the body contains. Some body reactions to drugs are unhealthy. What unhealthy reactions must a pharmacist (doctor) be concerned about?

2. People with allergies in the USA should have a Medi-Alert bracelet or necklace. Such bracelets and necklaces have saved the lives of people with allergies who had an accident that left them unconscious. Are there any such devices in our country? Do you, or does someone in your family have a serious allergy to some drugs?

3. If you buy your prescription and over-the-counter medicines, ask the pharmacist to clarify anything you don’t understand or that the label doesn’t specify. What points should be clarified?

Exercise 3. Study the example of information leaflet and comment on its content.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 179 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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