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Mother’s call

Dora: Lewis.Hello.

Mother: Hello, Dora, its me.

Dora: Oh, hi, mum, glad to hear you. How are you?

Mother: Not quite well but I think nothing serious. I have a running nose, a bad cough and a sore throat.

Dora: What is the temperature?

Mother: Normal but I also have a headache and can’t sleep. I guess I cought cold the day before yesterday, when I went shopping. Suddenly it rained. It was raining from 10 till 11, and I hadn’t an umbrella with me. My shoes were also not the proper ones.

Dora: Why didn’t you come back?

Mother: I was just rather far away from the house.

Dora: I’m so sorry to hear it. Did you consult your doctor?

Mother: No, I use my usual treatment: I stay in bed, I have some hot tea with honey and take some medicine. I hope, I’ll feel better soon.

Dora: Let’s hope for the best. But if you don’t feel better tomorrow, call in the doctor, please.

Mother: Sure. I’d like to know something about you. Are the children all right? How is Harry getting on?

Dora: The children are all right. Harry’s business isn’t going well at the moment you know but there is a Russian company they may be his partners, and so he is going to improve his business.

Mother: What? Isn’t it risky enough? He must be very careful. Russian are so incomprehensible.

Dora: Don’t bother, my dear, he knows what he does. You shouldn’t talk too much now, it’s better, you are quiet.

Mother: I’ll be quiet after I know that everything is all right with you.

Dora: It is so. I’ll call you up tomorrow morning. Or shall I come?

Mother: Oh, no, thank you. I’ll get well soon and come and see you myself.

Dora: That is the best.

Mother: Give my regards to Harry and the children. Bye, my dear.

Dora: Bye, Mum. I love you.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-10; Прочитано: 177 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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