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The System of English Consonant and Vowel Phonemes

IV: {{096}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject.

S: According to the place of articulation the English consonants are classed into: labial, lingual and ###.

IV: {{097}}

S: Labial consonants are subdivided into bilabial and ###.

IV: {{098}}

S: Sonorants are subdivided into occlusive and ###.

IV: {{099}}

Q: The correct answer for the following is:

S: A complete loss of sounds is called …

-: elision

-: reduction

-: assimilation

-: accommodation

IV: {{100}}

S: The adaptive modification of a consonant by a neighbouring consonant in the speech chain is called …

-: elision

-: assimilation

-: reduction

-: accommodation

IV: {{101}}

S: The interchanges of “V+C type” or “C+V type” are called …

-: elision

-: accommodation

-: reduction

-: assimilation

IV: {{102}}

S: Weakening of vowels in unstressed positions is called …

-: elision

-: reduction

-: assimilation

-: accommodation

IV: {{103}}

S: A minimum vowel system of a language is likely to take the form of …

-: conus

-: triangle

-: a quadrate

-: square

IV: {{104}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject.

S: According to stability of articulation the English vowels are subdivided into: monophthongs, diphthongs and ###.

IV: {{105}} Q: Statements can be made up through matching their parts from the columns.

L1: There are … diphthongs in the English language. R1:8

L2: There are … vowel sounds in the English language. R2: 12

L3: There are … consonant sounds in the English language. R3:24

R4: 10

R5: 18

IV: {{106}} Q: The correct answer for the following is:

S: There are … vowel letters in the English language.

-: 6

-: 9

-: 12

-: 20

IV: {{107}}

S: There are … consonant letters in the English language.

-: 6

-: 9

-: 20

-: 36

IV: {{108}}

S: There are … letters in the English language.

-: 20

-: 26

-: 31

-: 36

IV: {{109}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject.

S: According to the place of articulation the English consonants may be put into 3 groups: ###, lingual and glottal.

IV: {{110}}

S: Modifications of vowels in a speech chain go in two directions: quantitative or/and ###.

IV: {{111}} Q: The correct answer for the following is:

S: The most frequent sound of English is:

-: ∂

-: n

-: a

-: b

IV: {{112}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject.

S: According to the height of the tongue the vowels are classified into high, mid and ###.

IV: {{113}}

S: There are ### letters in the Russian language.

IV: {{114}}

S: Usually the following lip positions are distinguished: spread, rounded and ###.

IV: {{115}}

S: According to the length diphthongs are divided into short and ###.

IV: {{116}}

S: There are active and ### organs of speech.

IV: {{117}}

S: When the tongue is raised towards the hard palate the process is called ###.

IV: {{118}}

S: Any sound can only exist in time, so it has certain ###.

IV: {{119}}

S: Duration of a sound is referred to as its ###.

IV: {{120}}

S: A phonemic transcription is ### than an allophonic.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 760 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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