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Language work. Exercise 1.Check your understanding answering the questions:

Exercise 1. Check your understanding answering the questions:

1. What indicates the centrality of technology in the life of mankind?

2. What are the stages of technological development of the primitive communities?

3. What does the Prometheus myth remind us?

4. What can be used to destroy as well as to create? Give some examples.

5. When has the pace of technological development increased dramatically?

6. Problems of which waste disposal are most serious?

7. What does genetic engineering open up?

8. In your opinion, should experiments on human genetic material be allowed?

9. Is it appropriate to speak of informational revolution?

10. What are the ways of assisting developing countries?

11. What problems is this assistance connected with?

Exercise 2. Match each title on the left with the correct definition on the right:

1. community a) agreement

2. to contaminate b) transmitted from one generation to another

3. lack c) to emphasize

4. to accentuate d) body of people living in the same locality

5. to designate e) to pollute, to infect

6. hereditary f) getting rid of useless by-products of manufacture

7. consensus g) deficiency, want, need

8. waste disposal h) to specify, to describe as

Exercise 3. Explain the meaning of the following terms in English:

Genetic engineering species

iron age hazardous

environment Homo faber

Exercise 4. Work in pairs. Mark the following sentences as True or False. Explain your answers.

  True /False
1. Computers which extend our knowledge exponentially can invade our privacy in ways unthinkable only a short time ago. r r
2. Technology which may make perfect sense in a developed nation can be appropriate. r r
3. It is not a power which can be used to destroy as well as to create. r r
4. The emergence of resistant pests means that increased crop yields are frequently sustainable. r r
5. Much of this development was prompted and funded by economic interests. r r
6. In transferring its technology a donor nation inevitably transfers its own ways of thinking. r r
7. The use of chemical pesticides can bring disadvantages, but is also hazardous. r r

Exercise 5. Rearrange the following jumbled words to form sentences. Translate them.

a) human, highest, is, form, the, science, of, activity, mental;

b) to, pay, it, time, is, tribute, high, genius, their, to;

c) land, been, rich, talent, Ukrainian, in, the, always, has;

d) created, for, societies, scholars, scientific, the, training, proper, devoted, their, atmosphere, to, Motherland;

e) abroad, for, in, many, had, scientists, to, search, go, conditions, work, for, better, their;

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