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Grammar. Exercise 6.Translate into Ukrainian

Exercise 6. Translate into Ukrainian. Point out the form and function of Participle.

1. We would like to contact someone in your institute interested in our programme and sharing our ideas.

2. All the workers operating this equipment must read the instructions very carefully and follow them.

3. The city has houses representing various architectural styles.

4. Congratulating the film director on his success, the speaker said that his film was a great achievement of the whole team.

5. While introducing her guests to each other, the hostess says a few kind words to each of them.

6. When planning your daily routine, don’t forget to leave time for outdoor exercises.

7. Not knowing our partners' point of view, we decided not to give a definite answer.

8. Being very strict, he never allowed his students to miss classes.

Exercise 7. Are the following statements true? Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Generally speaking, a liquid having a free surface is one on whose surface there is absolutely no pressure.

2. A gram of water changes exactly to a gram of ice when freezing and to a gram of water vapor when evaporating.

3. An algorithm is a list of instructions specifying a sequence of operations which will give the answer to any problem of a given type.

4. This means that a space program must be flexible and diverse, making it possible to explore completely new fields.

5. Strictly speaking, we may justify this somewhat arbitrary division, taking into account an imperfect technique.

6. The lesson was quite inter­esting.

7. Country embracing over four millions of square miles, being thus larger than the whole of Europe, contained but about two million inhabitants.

8. Judging by the data, the first group of crustacean (ракообразные) consists of forms that inhabit temporary waters resulting from rain storms.

Exercise 8. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. The question answered by the student was a difficult one. 2. The process affected by the correction followed a different course. 3. The problem approached from another point of view proved simple. 4. The technique followed by this research team is very complicated. 5. Definition of the problem followed by its investigation was a difficult task. 6. Their actions influenced by the decision were wiser. 7. The fact mentioned was of great importance. 8. The problem dealt with in this article is very complex. 9. The information relied upon by the scientist proved incorrect. 10. The data referred to by the author is false. 11. The program corrected proved useful. 12. The plan changed helped us to complete the work. 13. The decision made facilitated the process. 1. Made under favorable conditions, our decision proved valid. 2. If taken into consideration in time, the data will be useful. 3. Once changed, the factor was of no use. 4. When corrected, the information may be of some interest. 5. Until done properly, the work will be useless. 6. Unless presented in detail, a program is a failure. 7. Influenced by many factors, the reaction did not proceed smoothly. 8. A present is not so dear, if not presented in due time. 9. The process is reliable if controlled by a specialist. 10. The plan is useless unless corrected. 11. The document is invalid until examined.

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1. Спортсмен, що веде в першому виді змагань, є представником вузівської команди.

2. Люди, що палять так багато, не можуть бути здоровими.

3. Скасований минулого тижня матч відбудеться в наступну неділю.

4. Поліцейський підійшов до людини, що стояв поруч з машиною.

5. По обидва боки дороги, що веде до церкви, росли дерева.

6. Додаємо список товарів, пошкоджених в дорозі.

7. Переглядаючи документи, я знайшов у них декілька серйозних помилок.

8. Переходячи дорогу в Англії, спочатку подивіться направо, а не наліво.

9. Добре знаючи місто, він був прекрасним екскурсоводом.

10. Не знаючи інструкцій з експлуатації, ми не змогли користуватися цим обладнанням.

11. Через зайнятість він не зміг бути присутнім на конференції.

12. Я цікавлюся практичними аспектами цієї проблеми.

13. Він займається тією ж самою проблемою.

14. Моя стаття буде присвячена новому аспекту цієї проблеми.

15. Такий метод не підходить в цьому випадку.

16. Ця ідея признана всіма.

17. Вони пов'язані з багатьма іншими лабораторіями.

18. Він займається спорідненою проблемою.

Exercise 10. Translate into Ukrainian.

a) A life devoted only to the satisfaction of immediate needs is a dull one.

b) A wanted person has escaped.

c) Simply stated, a creative individual is also a trained individual.

d) The action preceded by such a decision could not be false.

e) The decision followed by this action was correct.

f) He followed rules known by experience.

g) The child lacks the experience required for practical action.

h) Once designed and if designed properly, the system is very flexible.

i) Here again the views expressed attracted no serious attention.

j) The results thus obtained contributed to the solution of the problem.

Exercise 11. Open the brackets, using the appropriate form of the participle.

1) (to translate) by a good specialist, the story preserved all the sparkling humour of the original. 2) (to approve) by the critics, the young author's story was accepted by a thick magazine. 3) (to wait) for some time in the hall, he was invited into the drawing-room. 4) (to wait) in the hall, he thought over the problem he was planning to discuss with the old lady. 5) They reached the oasis at last, (to walk) across the endless desert the whole day. 6) (to lie) down on the soft couch, the exhausted child fell asleep at once. 7) She went to work, (to leave) the child with the nurse. 8) (to phone) to the agency, he left (to say) he would be back in two hours. 9) (to write) in very bad handwriting, the letter was difficult to read. 10) (to write) his first book, he could not help worrying about the reaction of the critics. 11) (to spend) twenty years abroad, he was happy to be coming home. 12) (to be) so far away from home, he still felt himself a part of the family. 13) She looked at the enormous bunch of roses with a happy smile, never (to give) such a wonderful present before. 14) (not to wish) to discuss that difficult and painful problem, he changed the conversation.

Exercise 12. Translate into English the thoughts of famous people of the past. Guess them.

1. Підкоряючись, вчися командувати.

2. Під час інтерв'ю людина може щось дізнатися, тільки слухаючи, але не кажучи.

3. Ми не маємо більше права користуватися щастям, не даючи щастя іншим, ніж вживати блага, не створюючи їх.

4. Життя - це один довгий процес стомлення.

5. Частина міста, де розташовані магазини, називається торговим центром (місцем для торгівлі).

6. Місце, де люди збираються, щоб поговорити, називається "клубом бесід".

7. Читання для розуму - це те ж саме, що фізичні вправи для тіла.

8. Зробити - це краще, ніж сказати.

9. Точне визначення (постановка) завдань вимагає терпіння.

10. Надзвичайно важливо мати кілька точок зору.

11. Сказати - це одне, а зробити - це інше.

12. He роблячи нічого, ми вчимося робити зло.

13. Ми подолали цю трудність шляхом розгляду всіх стратегій.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 1634 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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