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Information technology

Information systems collect, organize, store, process, retrieve and display information in different formats (text. video, and voice). Information technology allows very fast automated manipulation of digital data and their transformation from and to analogue.

Two basic technologies have been responsible for the development of the necessary hardware: integrated circuits and digital communications, Parallel advances have been made in software, particularly easy-to-use software products to create, maintain, manipulate, and query files and records. Many of these software programs are designed for use both by computer professionals and enthusiastic amateurs. Another important factor is the development of computer networks.

As technology develops, new models and types of computer appear. At the heart of all computers is the hardware. However without software computers are just dumb boxes, unable to perform any calculations or operations.

A network includes:

- techniques

- physical connections

- computer programs used to link two or more computers.

Network users can:

- share files, printers and other resources

- send electronic messages

- run programs on other computers

Each network operates according to a set of computer programs called network protocols for computers to talk to one another. Computer networks can now be interconnected efficiently through gateways. The biggest network is the World Wide Web. It consists of a large number of smaller interconnected networks called internets. These internets may connect tens, hundreds, or thousands of computers. They can share information with each other, such as databases of information. The internet allows people all over the world to communicate with each other effectively and inexpensively.

Before a network can operate, it needs physical connections so that signals can be transmitted. After the network has been connected, it is ready for operation.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 2071 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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