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Grammar. Exercise 6.Translate the sentences

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences.

1. There are two kinds of transformations which are known as physical and chemical changes. 2. There are several kinds of energy in nature. 3. The machines of today are quite different from those of the past and the machines of future n are completely different from any we can see today. 4. The worker will have only control machines and systems of regulation. 5. The form of this substance is absolutely new and has many advantages. 6. The accuracy of these automatic devices is very high. 7. Due to the Sun people have immense supplies of energy. 8. The light of the Moon is only the reflected sunlight. 9. There are a number of automatic machine-tools that can measure and inspect their production. 10. Atom is a great force so it is to serve mankind.

Exercise 7. Put to be in the spaces in proper form and translate the sentences.

1. Your advice … more important for us than hers. 2. The instruments at our laboratory … not as modern as those at yours. 3. The freezing point of water on the Centigrade scale … 0 ° and that on the Fahrenheit scale is + 32°. 4. The density of the liquid air … only a little less that of water during the experiment. 5. This diagram … shown in the table hanging on the wall. 6. There … some but not much mercury in the tube, put a little more. 7. In case the new substance has the property to freeze quickly, it … of great importance for our work.8. During his visit to an observatory Einstein … interested in the gigantic telescope with a mirror of 2.5 meters in diameter. 9. The unusual phenomenon … discovered several years ago.

Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps.

1. Where … you from? – I … from Kramatorsk.

2. Why … you so happy today? – Because I … at the concert of my favourite pop group tomorrow.

3. Where … my favourite music CDs? Can you see them? – One disc … on the table and three discs …on the bookshelf.

4. This … your new mobile phone, … it? – Yes, it …. – … your phone number new or old? – It … old.

5. What colour … your new coat? – It … green and brown.

6. What … your favourite colours? – My favourite colour … grey.

7. Yesterday it … cold. Today it … warm. Tomorrow it … cold again,…it?

Exercise 9. Rearrange the following jumbled words to form sentences. Translate them.

1. in the laboratory, were, his assistant, Mr. Black. 2. three lectures, today, have, the students. 3. there, any, are, on the blackboard, figures. 4. a, dimensions, solid, has, three. 5. Kinds, of, are, surfaces, there, some. 6. Century, were, plastics, hundreds, different, there, of, last.

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences.

1.Немає жодної різниці між двома стовпчиками цифр. 2. Всі студенти мають можливість використовувати ці станки. 3. Помічник завідуючого лабораторією не мав додаткового ключа від дверей. 4. Всі студенти зараз присутні на лекції. 5. В трубці нічого не було. 6. Деякі нові дані знаходяться в таблиці 2. 7. Мені здається, що температура у кімнаті не більше 21°С. 8. У нього є останні обчислення в ноутбуці. 9. Довжина транспортеру приблизно 30 метрів. 10. Нове обладнання буде у них у наступному триместрі.

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English.

1. У мене немає її адреси. 2. У мене вчора була дуже цікава розмова з професором Смітом. 3. У нього є дуже цікаві книги з економіки. 4. Я мушу піти туди ще раз. 5. У нас завтра зібрання. 6. Я повинен вставати тепер рано. 7. Ви обідали вчора в ресторані? 8. Чи є у тебе червоний олівець? 9. У мене не було часу вчора відвідати його. 10. Чи необхідно тобі сьогодні йти до бібліотеки?

Exercise 12. Make plural form of the following nouns and make up your own sentences with them.

- nucleus - a piece

- an inch - a crisis

- the circle - figure

- the basis - this phenomenon

- that datum - an angle


Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 1830 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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