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Grammar. Exercise 8.Complete this story

Exercise 8. Complete this story. Put was, were, wasn’t and weren’t in the correct spaces.

1. A friend of mine was a car mechanic in a garage and one of his customers ___ 1 a lovely grey-haired old lady. All the mechanics ___2 very fond of her because she gave good tips, but they ___3 fond of her car. Most Morris Minors are reliable but hers ___ 4 a real problem. It ___5 impossible to start in summer, it jumped along the road like a kangaroo and it ___6 very thirsty. All the mechanics ___7 puzzled by it. They checked the fuel pipes but they ___8 the problem. They checked the engine but it ___ 9 that. The car ___10 in and out of the garage every week but they ___ 11 never able to locate the problem. One day my friend asked the lady to take for a drive in the car so he could listen for any strange noises. She ___ 12 happy to help and jumped in to the driver’s seat and put on her seat belt. Then she pulled out the choke and hung her handbag on it. The mystery ___13 solved. That ___14 why the car ___ 15 so thirsty.

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences.

1. His intention was to take his examination on Tuesday. 2. He was to take his examination on Tuesday. 3. The seller’s duty is to deliver the goods in accordance with the terms of the contract. 4. The seller is to deliver the goods in May. 5. The plan suggested by the engineer was to use a floating crane for the discharge of the goods. 6. The agent was to wait until the price went down. 7. Their proposal is to dispatch the goods by airplane. 8. The equipment is to be ensures with “Bavellony”.

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences into English.

1. ЇЇ зараз немає, вона дома. 2. Його не було дома вчора увечері. 3. Він один з найкращих менеджерів нашої компанії. 4. Його задача в тому, щоб зібрати матеріал з цього питання до першого червня. 5. Він зараз в Криму. 6. Вона буде там о п’ятій годині. 7. Пароплав повинен прибути о шостій вечора. 8. Його брат інженер. 9. Я повинен був зустрітися з ним о восьмій вечора. 10. Він буде радий вас бачити.

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English.

1. У мене немає її адреси. 2. У мене вчора була дуже цікава розмова з професором Смітом. 3. У нього є дуже цікаві книги з економіки. 4. Я мушу піти туди ще раз. 5. У нас завтра зібрання. 6. Я повинен вставати тепер рано. 7. Ви обідали вчора в ресторані? 8. Чи є у тебе червоний олівець? 9. У мене не було часу вчора відвідати його. 10. Чи необхідно тобі сьогодні йти до бібліотеки?

Exercise 12. Translate the sentences into English.

1. В цій кімнаті холодно. 2. Ще зовсім темно. 3. Чи тепло сьогодні? 4. Зараз половина шостої. 5. Чи був дощ вчора? – Так. 6. Вже пізно і зовсім темно. 7. Складно говорити іноземною мовою без помилок. 8. Чи далеко до станції звідси? 9. Складно перекладати економічні тексти без словника.

Exercise 13. Change the verbs in bold type by the appropriate form of the verb to do.

1. Peter speaks English as well as Ann speaks. 2. He spent as much money as you spent. 3. She reads as fast as you read. 4. They showed us more sights than our guide showed. 5. Mary sang much better than Emily usually signs. 6. He likes the same dishes as you like. 7. She uses the same perfume as I use. 8. He answered more questions than Pete answered. 9.The new teacher spoke much faster than our old teacher speaks. 10. She plays the piano as well as a professional plays. 11. We reached the camp earlier than our friends reached. 12. You know her as well as I know. 13. She likes to see the same films as he likes.


Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 723 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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