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Grammar. Exercise 7.Ask and answer more questions about the Monte Carlo Convention Centre

Exercise 7. Ask and answer more questions about the Monte Carlo Convention Centre. Put the words in the right order to make the questions.

1. are, Centre, hotels, how, many, near, the, there?

2. airport, an, Centre, is, near, the, there?

3. airport, far, from, how, is, Monaco, Nice?

4. by, does, get, helicopter, how, it, long, take, there, to?

5. does, fly, from, how, it, long, Madrid, take, there, to?

6. links, there, road, are, and, good, rail?

Exercise 8. Here are some questions and answers about business trip. Complete the questions using words from the list below. Then match each question to the correct reply.

Who Was Where When Did How Which What Why
1. ___ did you go? 2. ___ did you go? 3. ___ did you meet? 4. ___ you make any useful contacts? 5. ___ long did you stay? 6. ___ did you get back? 7. ___ airline did you fly with? 8. ___ hotel did you stay in? 9. ___ the trip a success? a) Some of our agents. b) Yes, it was very useful. c) Yes, a few. d) To do some market research. e) The Sheraton. f) Gulf Air. g) Dubai. h) A week. i) On Thursday.

Exercise 9. Put questions to the italicized word.

1. Many appliances and other labor saving goods are becoming less expensive and more affordable for the average family. 2. The population is growing now at a faster rate than production in that country. 3. Steps to restore full employment are increasing. 4. They are producing more and better products with the same time and resources. 5. Union restrictions are preventing employers from laying off workers as quickly as they might prefer. 6. Our nations will be trading with one another when governments of the two countries limit quotas. 7. They will be exchanging their products at the international fair at this time tomorrow. 8. Our company will be manufacturing new devices from September to November the following year. 9. The factory will be specializing in the production of automobiles when they change the management. 10. The government of the country will be promoting transportation facilities for a number of reasons.

Exercise 10. Give positive and negative answer to the questions.

1. They aren’t waiting for me, are they? 2. He can’t translate the article without a dictionary, can he? 3. You weren’t late, were you? 4. You don’t have to go yet, do you? 5. They won’t come today, will they? 6. You haven’t bought your ticket yet, have you? 7. You will travel by train, won’t you? 8. She ought to go there at once, ought she? 9. We shall see you tomorrow, shan’t we? 10. They are not in the town, are they?

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English.

1. На кого ви чекаєте? – Я чекаю менеджера компанії. – Чи давно ви на нього чекаєте? – Вже пів години. 2. Що ви перекладаєте? – Я перекладаю економічну статтю. 3. Ви знаєте Соболєва? – Так, знаю. 4. Вам подобається ця стаття? – Так, подобається. 5. Чи можете ви прийти сюди завтра о десятій? – Нажаль, ні. 6. Невже він не казав вам про це? – Ні, не казав. 7. Невже він вміє говорити німецькою? – Ні, не вміє. 8. Невже ви не читали цих документів? – Ні, не читав. 9. Він ще не повернувся з відрядження, чи не так? – Ні, він вже повернувся. 10. Ви не говорили з директором з цього питання, чи не так? – Так, не говорив. 11. Він не зможе зробити цю роботу в такий короткий термін, чи не так? – Ні, не зможе. 12. З ким ви їздили у відрядження? 13. Про кого ви розмовляєте? 14. Хто говорив вам про це? 15. Хто директор вашого підприємства? – Васильєв. 16. Яка ваша точка зору з цього питання? 17. Які ваші умови оплати?


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