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Ex. 2. Choose the best alternative and translate the sentences into Russian

1. The group of tourists will be traveling through ___ of Russia by “White Nights” steam express.

a) the middle b) the west c) the north

2. The trip will take ___.

a) two months b) two weeks c) two years

3. Both a departure and arrival point is ___.

a) St.Petersburg b) Murmansk c) Moscow

4. The tourists are making a tour through St.Petersburg while their ___ is being prepared for the trip.

a) diesel locomotive b) steam locomotive c) electric locomotive

5. St.Petersburg is called ___.

a) the Venice of the North

b) the Venus of the North

c) the Vehicle of the North

6. There are ___ canals in the city.

a) sixty-five b) fifty-six c) sixty-six

7. The tourists are exploring the city ___.

a) on foot b) by bus c) by boat

8. The sun doesn’t set ___ of June – these nights are called White Nights.

a) in the end b) in the middle c) in the center

9. The founder of St.Petersburg was ___.

a) King Peter the Great

b) Tsar Peter the Great

c) Prince Peter the Great

10. The Tsar’s summer residence was ___.

a) Peterhof b) Pavelhof c) Hofpeter

11. There are many ___ in Peterhof.

a) bridges b) lakes c) fountains

12. Peter’s favorite building in Peterhof was ___.

a) Notre-Dame de Paris b) Red Square c) Mon Plaisir

13. The first Russian railway was opened in the town of ___.

a) Pavlovsk b) Pushkin c) Gogol

14. According to the film, in the Soviet Union trains were used primarily for industry and ___ transport.

a) military b) freight c) passenger

15. According to the authors of the film, information about Soviet railways was ___.

a) available b) secret c) free

16. With the development of diesel traction steam locos were stored as a ___.

a) museum b) strategic reserve c) memory

17. Many historic steam locomotives are maintained by railway ___.

a) specialists b) managers c) enthusiasts

18. The first destination on the journey is ___.

a) Petropavlovsk b) Petrozavodsk c) Petrofactory

19. This is a capital of ___.

a) Finland b) Komi c) Karelia

20. This territory consists of vast forests and 60 thousand ___.

a) lakes b) snakes c) snacks

21. The largest lakes in Europe are Lake Ladoga and Lake ___.

a) Baikal b) Michigan c) Onega

22. For the first time the train ___ locomotives in Petrozavodsk.

a) changed b) switched c) switched off

23. Petrozavodsk is a ___ Russian city.

a) large b) small c) medium-sized

24. In Petrozavodsk, there is a ___ statue in the middle of the city square.

a) Lenin b) Peter the Great c) Stalin

25. In the amusement park the tourists saw ___.

a) camels b) horses c) donkies

26. There is a regular ___ connection between Petrozavodsk and Kizi Island.

a) boat b) ferry c) helicopter

27. Kizi Island is famous for its ___ architecture.

a) stone b) wooden c) golden

28. Of particular cultural importance on Kizi Island are ___.

a) Muslim mosques b) Russian churches c) Buddhist temples

(B) Traveling through China

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