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Ex. 17. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences

1. The conductor___ check up tickets of all the passengers before the train departure.

a) will be allowed b) can to c) is to d) have to

2. It is a non-smoking carriage. You _____ smoke here.

a) must not b) should c) will be able to d) are allowed to

3. You ___ change trains in Moscow because there is no direct train to Minsk.

a) shouldn’t b) could c) will have to d) is be able to

4. Until the 19th century, people ___ travel freely between most countries without a passport.

a) are allowed to b) were to c) should d) were able to

5. The train ___ arrive at 5 p.m. but it detained because of track repair work.

a) should b) had not to c) was able to d) was to

6. The train ___ depart from the station, as the line was busy.

a) couldn’t b) isn't allowed to c) wasn’t to d) weren't able to

7. They ___ leave yesterday because there were no tickets available for today’s train.

a) were able to b) had to c) could d) was allowed to

8. Airline passengers ___ use mobile telephones during the flight.

a) are able to b) aren’t allowed to c) were to d) shouldn't

9. Passengers ___ keep their tickets till the end of the trip.

a) had to b) should c) are able to d) were to

10. Next year, the railway ___ increase the train fares because of inflation.

a) should b) won’t be able to c) can d) will have to

11. The suitcase was so heavy that Robert ___ change it from hand to hand all the time.

a) were to b) will be allowed to c) had to d) was able to

12. You ___ leave your luggage in the left-luggage office.

a) has to b) are able to c) should to d) was allowed to

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