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Ex. 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the required form of the Active Voice

1. The train (to leave – Present Simple) in half an hour and you aren’t ready yet.

2. The first steam locomotives (to be – PastSimple) not strong and they often (to break – PastSimple) down.

3. The train (to cover – FutureSimple) the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg in 3 hours if it (to move – PresentSimple) at a speed of 250 kmh.

4. After the war, the government (to grant – PastSimple) great sums of money to renew the equipment and the roadbed (земляное полотно) of all the railways.

5. Many railway lines in England (to radiate – PresentSimple) from London.

6. The Flying Scotsman (to be – PresentSimple) an express passenger train that (to run – PresentSimple) between London and Edinburgh.

7. The Japanese Railways (to begin – PastSimple) testing the new high-speed train for the famous Tokaido Line.

8. Russian Railways (to be – PresentSimple) one of the world’s biggest railway companies. It (to employ – PresentSimple) 1.2 million people and (to handle – PresentSimple) 80% of all passenger transportation and 82% of all freight in Russia.

9. In 1808, Richard Trevithick (to build – PastSimple) a circular railway in London’s Torrington Square. Steam carriage "Catch Me Who Can" (to weigh – PastSimple) 10 tons and (to move – PastSimple) at a speed of 15 mph.

10. If he (to leave – PresentSimple) for London by train, he (to get – FutureSimple) there on Friday.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 760 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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