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Ex. 8. Express the idea in Present, Past and Future Simple

1. Passengers to cross the railway lines by the bridge.

2. The students to repeat the new words before the lesson.

3. The fast train for London to depart from platform No 2.

4. Railway lines to connect all parts of this country.

5. This mechanism to activate the emergency brake.

6. In the Samara Metro, trains to run every 8 minutes.

7. The trains to be late because of track repair (ремонт) works.

8. He to have enough time to do this work.

9. The railways to play an important role in the transportation of freight.

10. The new bridge to reduce traveling time from 50 minutes to 15 minutes.

Ex. 9. Put special questions to the following sentences. Begin with the question-words given in brackets.

1. In Great Britain, first-class tickets cost 50% more than second-class tickets. (Where)

2. The first refrigerator cars in Japan entered service in 1908 for fish transport. (When)

3. At the next railway station, the train will stop for 20 minutes. (How long)

4. The repair of railway track usually takes place in summer. (When)

5. Commuter trains leave from Victoria Station every hour. (How often)

6. I got off the train at Central Station. (Where)

7. One Metro train takes up to 1,500 passengers. (How many)

8. Typically, high-speed trains travel at top service speeds of between 250 km/h and 300 km/h. (What speed)

9. The factory will employ over 2000 people. (How many)

10. In 1913, the railway network of Russia consisted of 25 state lines and 13 private lines. (When)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 1166 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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