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Ex. 5. Read the sentences and translate them

1. The railway transport played a very important role in industrial development of Britain during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

2. There are plans to open a new high-speed rail line between London, Manchester and Leeds running at up to 180mph. These plans are supported by two political parties.

3. The Trans-Siberian Railway was built according to the project proposed by the Minister of Railways K.N. Posyet (Посьет).

4. The railway bridge across the Amur river represents a solid (прочный) structure of metal and concrete almost 2,600 m long and 64 m high.

5. Competition between various kinds of vehicles is increasingly intensifying now.

6. Amtrak is the public company (акционерная компания окрытого типа), which operates passenger trains in the US. It was set up by Congress in 1970.

7. The railway has a permanent staff of 1,500 and in addition, it employs seasonal staff during the summer period.

8. About 11% of the Konkan Railway (India) is laid down in tunnels. These tunnels are equipped with sensors to monitor air contamination (загрязнение), temperature and visibility.

9. The National Railway Museum is a museum in York, which contains a large collection of old railway carriages and locomotives, including the world speed record holder for steam locomotive, the Mallard. The museum is a branch of the Science Museum in London.

10. A.S. Yartsev suggested using cast iron (чугунные) rails instead of wooden ones in 1788.

11. Over the past 10 years, Spain has built 64 technologically advanced tunnels with a total length of over 170 km. This is part of a program to develop the country’s high-speed rail network to decrease journey (поездка) times and increase train speeds.

12. The most state-of-the-art electronic equipment is used for controlling train movement: if changes are necessary, they are made automatically and with lightning speed.

13. A train station is a facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers and/or goods.

14. On some railway lines, the operation of double-deck trains is limited by low bridges and tunnels.

15. The Central Pacific Railroad is a U.S. railroad company established in 1861 by a group of California merchants, including Mark Hopkins and Leland Stanford.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 962 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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