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Упр. 14. Выполните письменный перевод следующего текста. The compression-ignition engine, designed by the German Rudolf Diesel in 1896, was equipped with the carburetor and sparking plugs of the petrol engine

The compression-ignition engine, designed by the German Rudolf Diesel in 1896, was equipped with the carburetor and sparking plugs of the petrol engine. The gas inside the cylinder on the compression stroke is pure air, which is compressed to 1:14 to 1:20 of its initial volume - a much higher compression ratio than is used in petrol engines. At the top of the compression stroke a fine spray of oil fuel is injected into the cylinder. As gas compressed its temperature increases, so that the oil spray meets the air charge at a temperature sufficiently high to ignite it spontaneously. Because of its high compression ratio the compression-ignition or diesel engine is more efficient than a petrol engine. But for the same reason it must be more heavily built, thus offsetting the advantage somewhat. Diesel engines offer economies in fuel consumption at the expense of a loss in performance, they are particularly suited to frequent stop and start duties, and as a result are widely used in taxis, busses and lorries.

Упр. 15. Составьте письменный реферат об основных системах автомобиля и их функциях, используя следующие выражения:

The text is concerned with …. … are considered. It should be noted that …. The fact that … is stressed. It should be remembered that ….

Unit 4

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 354 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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