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A) here is a diet plan. Choose one breakfast, lunch and dinner. Explain your choice to your partner

Choose One Breakfast
Small glass of tomato juice. Hard- or soft-boiled egg. Thin slice of toast (without butter). Cup of tea or coffee with … Low or fat milk, no sugar). Small glass of pineapple juice. Thin slice of toast (without butter). Slice or low-fat cheese. Cup of tea or coffee (with low-fat at milk, no sugar). Small glass of grapefruit juice. Bowl of cereal with skim milk. Cup of tea or coffee (with low-fat milk, no sugar).  
Choose One Lunch
Low-fat yogurt with fruit. Lettuce & tomato salad. Slice of whole-wheat bread. Glass of skim milk.   Bowl of chicken soup. Tuna salad (made with low-fat yogurt). Slice of whole-wheat bread. Half a grapefruit. Glass of skim milk. Two slices of turkey. Slice of whole-wheat bread. Grapes. Glass of skim milk.  
Choose One Dinner
Glass of tomato juice. Small broiled steak (no fat). Tossed salad: lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, and celery. Asparagus. Baked potato (plain). Small apple. Cup of herbal tea. Glass of tomato juice. Small piece of broiled fish. Tossed salad. Broccoli. Slice of whole wheat bread (no butter). Small pear. Cup of herbal tea. Glass of tomato juice. Small piece of baked chicken (no skin or fat). Tossed salad. Green beans. Baked potato (plain). Cup of fruit salad. Cup of herbal tea.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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