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II. Vocabulary in context. TEXT: diet center’s comprehensive five-phase program


Diet Center offers a complete, comprehensive weight-control program consisting of a four-phase diet: Conditioning, Reducing, Stabilization, and Maintenance. The fifth phase, Nutrition /Behavior Modification Classes (NBMC), is taught in weekly classes. Each phase is essential to your ultimate goal — permanent weight control! On the first visit, you and your counselor will establish your personal, ideal weight goal.

1. Conditioning. The two-day, Conditioning Diet prepares the body for the most effective weight loss possible. A previous diet of processed foods, high in refined sugars and starches, is replaced with wholesome, natural foods, abundant in vital nutrients, complex carbohydrates and naturally occurring sugars as well as fiber and bulk.

2. Reducing. During this phase, you will meet privately, six days a week, with a professional Diet Center Counselor; you will be given a list of foods allowed on the program along with an eating schedule. Initially, your counselor will measure and weigh you, and then your progress will be charted daily. She will also provide positive reinforcement to help you reach your weight goal.

3. This phase of the Diet Center Program is just as important as the Reducing Phase. You will remain on Stabilization one week for every two weeks spent on the Reducing Phase (up to three weeks.) You will come in twice a week for counseling sessions and your counselor will expand your diet to a wider variety of wholesome foods in greater amounts. Your weight will be monitored closely, and permanent changes in eating habits will be reinforced. This phase of the program stabilizes your body at your new weight, which prepares you for permanent weight control. Stabilization is offered at no additional cost.

4. Maintenance. After you complete the Diet Center Stabilization Phase, you will be allowed to come to Diet Center for private counseling and continued support once a week until you feel comfortable with your new weight (up to 52 weeks.) Set up an appointment for the day you plan to come, and bring the previous week's food diary with you. There is no additional charge for the Maintenance Phase.

5. Nutrition/Behavior Modification Classes. The NBMC Series is essential to your success in achieving permanent weight control. Diet Center believes when you become educated in nutrition, you are then able to make wise, nutritional choices. You and you alone, are responsible for yourself. Weekly classes are scheduled where you will be taught the principles of sound nutrition, self-direction, behavior modification, and exercise. You will learn how your body functions, how stress affects the body and how to deal with that stress. You will also learn meal planning and food preparation techniques that will help you as well as your family. Positive changes in eating habits will be reinforced to ensure permanent weight control. The NBMC Series is offered at no additional charge.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 225 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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