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In mining, the production of timber, food stuff, tools, and even the beer Prips

In their expansion, TNCs make use of various means of developing the world market:

• licensing

• franchising (franchise)

• managerial contracts

• rendering marketing and research and development services

• commissioning enterprises lock, stock and barrel

• joint ventures, etc.

Dynamic policy of capital investments and research and development ensures the leading position

Of the TNC in labour productivity, quality and competitiveness of the output. The corporation

Electrolux, set up in 1912 as a result of merging two small companies in Sweden, entered the

Market of Australia and New Zealand as far back as the end of the 1920s. Over the last ten years the

TNC Electrolux has absorbed the company White Consolidated, ranking third in the USA as a

Manufacturer of everyday electrical appliances under the well-known brands Westinghaus, Gibson,

And Zanussi — the largest manufacturer of electrical engineering goods in Italy and countries

Of South-Eastern Europe. Besides, Electrolux took over AEG, the main manufacturer of electrical

Engineering goods in Germany. At present more than 110,000 workers are employed in Electrolux

enterprises. With the annual turnover of about $20 billion, Electrolux is the world leader in manufacturing

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 205 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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