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In Russia the TNC is defined as a national monopoly with foreign assets. In the US the TNC is

Defined as a joint stock company (incorporated enterprise). On the whole, TNCs make a large

Single international manufacturing and marketing complex where the right of property belongs only

To the representatives of the country-founder.

Affiliated branches and subsidiaries can be mixed enterprises primarily with national participation.

TNCs have comparatively independent subdivisions of manufacture, cooperation, and sale

Of finished products, as well as research and development, engineering and consumer services. As

A result of merging several companies of different countries on the basis of production and scientific

And technological unification multinational corporations (MNCs) have sprung up.

The Swiss-Swedish corporation ABB (Asea, Brow, Bovery) specializing in the mechanical engineering

And electronics provides an example of a MNC in Europe. The capital of such corporations

Is usually divided in the ratio of 60 to 40, as e.g. between England and Holland in the case of

Royal Dutch Shell.

Global corporations (GCs) stand among international companies that present all power of

Modern financial capital, and they should be referred to TNCs and MNCs. They could be engaged

In chemical, electronic, oil and automobile production, information technology, banking and some

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 293 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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