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From the administration of indirectaxation, and export credit insurance on exceptionaly favourable terms.Factors which cause the average cost of producing a commodity

To fal as output of the comodity rises. For instance, a firm or industry which would les than double its costs, if it doubled its output, enjoys economies of scale.

C) A seaport or airport whi1iserp.tene sezonch is able to accept cargo without the

Imposition of any import tariff or some specified taxes.

D) A designated zone in a depressed, generally inner-urban area,

In which firms located in the zone are given favourable taxation

Concessions and freedom from a number of planning constraints.

E) A customs-defined area in which goods or services may be

Processed or transacted without attracting taxes or duties or

Being subjected to certain government regulations.

F) The ratio of the index of export prices to the index of import

Prices. An improvement in the terms of trade follows if export

Prices rise more quickly than import prices (or fall more

Slowly than import prices).

Read the text, complete it using the words from the box, and translate it into Russian

Discussions, quotas, representatives, tariffs, association, measures, trading areas

Free-trade area is an... (1) of a number of countries between which all import... (2) and... (3)

And export subsidies and other similar government measures to influence trade have been removed.

Each country, however, continues to retain its own international trade... (4) vis-a-vis countries

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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