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Of their economic situation are subject to analysis and estimates according to the following


A) Indices in the sphere of material production. These indices (absolute and relative) are obtained

By taking into consideration the output of minerals — oil, gas, coal, ores, etc.; the harvest of

Agricultural commodities; the industrial production output; construction, etc.

B) Indices of the internal turnover. These indices reflect the solvency of the population (pay, salary

the size of consumer’s loan (consumer credit), the value of the consumer basket), the movement

Of the stock of commodities (of goods), etc.

C) Indicators of foreign (international) trade, i.e., its structure (export, import, reexport, reimport,

Export and import quotas, etc.).

D) Indicators of the finance and credit sphere. A regular survey of credit and financial indicator,

For example, the behavior (dynamics) of the discount rate, the share (stock) price, Dow Jones,

NASDAQ (US), Nikkei indices and others, the number of bankruptcies, etc., will help us understand

The national economic situation (business activity). If, say, the rate of discount decreases,

It points out that the demand for loan capital (interest-bearing capital) decreases and

The economy is in stagnation. If share (stock) prices of the leading companies and their credit

Indices increase, then it speaks of the improving of the economic situation, and vice versa.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 192 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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