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Commentary and Notes to Text

A measure of the growth — мера роста

Actual growth — действительный (фактический) рост

Underperform — недовыполнять (не достигать)

Benchmark — показатель

Overheating — перегрев (экономики)

A similar estimate — подобная, аналогичная оценка

To outperform this level — превысить этот уровень

The natural rate of growth — естественный показатель роста Read the text “Economic Efficiency” and describe the example of the marginal rate of

Substitution given in the text and give you own example.

Econom (! i) c Efficiency

By economic efficiency in the market situation survey we mean the state of an economy in which

No one can be made better off without someone being made worse off. For this to be the case, three

types of efficiency must hold. The first is productive efficiency, in which the output of the economy

is being produced at the lowest cost. The second is allocative efficiency, in which resources are being

allocated to the production of the goods and services the society most values. The third is distributional

efficiency, in which output is distributed in such a way that consumers would not wish, given

Their disposable income and market prices, to spend these incomes in any different way.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 179 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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