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A) First of all, the analysis of the foreign exchange market and the exchange rate

b) First of all, the analysis of sector (отраслевых) and commodity markets: oil, gas, wood,

Nonferrous (цветные) metals, agricultural products, etc.

C) First of all, the analysis of the actions of administrative bodies and political parties.

6. How does the world oil market affect the economic situation in Russia, in your opinion?

A) It does affect Russia but not so much. In the event of the oil price being increased, the

Gross profit from sales (валовая прибыль от продаж) will be preserved by most businesses.

B) Certainly it affects Russia, it is due to the increase of export duties that oil companies decrease

The volume of production.

c) Russian oil companies export large volumes of oil. If the oil price rises more than $20 per

Barrel, oil companies will recover the costs (возмещать издержки) of production and increase

Payments to the budgets (отчисления в бюджеты) at all levels.

Oral Practice

Business communicating with the use of the given cliches, set expressions, and some prompts.

Work with partners.

Наблюдения за экономическими явлениями It is rather a complicated и их науч problem...

Ное исследование, начатые в годы П е р в о -йc oмnиjрuоcвtuоrйe -Tвhe Lоatin tйerm

Ны, осуществлялись для т о г о, ч т-оeбcыo пnодoтmверiдcи тsьi tоuпрaеt i o n (m a r k e t s i t u a t i o n)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 157 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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