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Валюте и переводятся в доллары США в целях международного сопоставления

Multiple Choice Comprehension Check (basic Text 15.4)

Check the comprehension of the text choosing the answer which, you think, is correct.

1. A concrete situation formed in the world market is sometimes characterized as a market situation.

How would you describe it?

A) It is a generalization of statistical information which is collected once in every five or ten


B) It is a specific consumer survey on the occasion of some important event or holiday.

С) It is a specific economic situation involving a great number of concepts on the basis of which

The forecast is made. It is movable with many changing parameters.

2. What is the aim of analyzing the market situation?

A) To determine the nature and degree of its equilibrium, i.e., the demand and supply relation

And the expected development of the economic situation.

B) To determine the size of taxation of market participants and the profits of administrative


C) To determine the degree of employment in trade and industry.

3. When determining the economic situation (conjuncture) of the world market it is necessary to take

into consideration:

A) The scale of the market and the degree of business activity, as well as political factors which

Can exclude commercial or any other type of risk.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 186 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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