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The World Market and the Market


Unit 15. The Economic Situation

And the Factors Characterizing It

Preview Basic notions

In this unit we are going to find out what is conjuncture (market sitau,itcenom

Included in the concept of the market situation; sitauit)no

we will consider the term “economic situation” adnyiscm

Ltednopvmand the factors characterizing it.sacetro f

Risk trend (tendency) survey (research)


Before you start reading the unit think and try to answer the following questions:

1. Do you know what the main aim of analyzing the market situation is?

2. In what way do the risk factor and competitiveness tell upon the market situation?

3. What main factors characterize the market situation?

4. What do you know about the market situation survey?

Rapid Reading (skimming, scanning, reading for general understanding

O f th e basic Text 15.4)

Work in pairs or small groups.

1. Skim the text to find out what it is about, in general. Do not try to read or understand the text in

Detail for this activity.

2. Skim quickly the parts of the text “a” and “b” and try to give a suitable heading to each part.

Make a note of these headings.

3. Find the sentence in the text (item “b”) concerning “commercial risk” and read it again. Discuss

It with a partner.

Make comments on the text and say what seems most interesting to you. Compare the information

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 241 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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