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Of foreign companies

6. Lease is a specified form of obtaining a credit. Leasing is one of the lease forms. How do you understand

the meaning of the word “leasing"? What makes leasing and technical credit similar?

A) Leasing is a short-term lease of cars, planes, entertainment enterprises, etc. There is nothing

In common between leasing and technical credit.

B) Leasing is a long-term lease (from six months to several years) of production facilities, machinery,

Equipment. The conditions of carrying out financial operations make leasing and

Technical credit similar. In addition, both leasing and technical credit allow to buy out

(выкупать) leased property.

C) Leasing is a medium-term lease of the railways rolling stock (подвижной состав), ships

And tankers. The impossibility of buying out the above-mentioned means of transportation

Makes leasing and technical credit similar.

7. What is implied by the notion “factoring ”?

A) It is a form of crediting exporters, i.e. providing financial services for new, small and medi

Um-sized (средних) firms.

B) It is a form of crediting exporters. Factoring is extremely burdensome (обременительный),

Since payments for financial services are very high.

C) It is a form of crediting exporters. Large firms and corporations resort to factoring as a factoring

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 181 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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