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Deposit allocated with it

• bond loans

• consortium credits — the credits offered by several creditors to a single borrower.

Credits may be given for different periods of execution of a contract: from a few days and months

(extra urgent) to one year or 18 months (short-term), and up to five years (medium-term), and over

Five years (long-term).

Before giving a credit the commercial bank or the creditor (lending) country considers the

Conditions of securing it (guarantee).

Accordingly, there are the following types of credits:

• secured credits, when goods, commercial, financial and other papers, securities, bills, real property,

Etc. are used as a means of security

• blank credits, which are given to a borrower under his commitment to repay the credit by a fixed data

A special form of obtaining a credit is a lease (leasing). Lease is an agreement between the

Owner of property (lessor) to grant use of it to another party (lessee) for a specified period at a

Specified rent payable annually, quarterly or monthly. The rental may be subject to review, say, every

Five years. It is possible to lease cars, office equipment, machinery, etc., as well as buildings or land,

And a recent development has been the rapid growth of leasing arrangements for business requirements.

In most cases these include servicing and maintenance. In some cases the title of the property

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 180 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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