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Be withdrawn without notice

e) Contracts made in a “future market” for the purchase or sale

Of commodities or financial assets, on a specified future date.

Read the text, complete it using the words from the box, and translate it into Russian

Loan, liabilities, current, assets, settlement, deposits

By bank deposits we mean the amount of money standing to the credit of a customer of a bank.

Bank deposit are... (1) of its customers and... (2) of the bank. Deposits may arise from the payments

Of cash or a cheque to a bank for credit to a customer, or by transfer into an account from

another account, including a... (3) from a bank to its customer. Bank... (4) are simply IOUs*

Written in the books of the bank. They do not necessarily reflect actual holdings of cash by the

Bank. Since bank deposits are used in the... (5) of debts, they are money in the economic sense, so

That by creating deposits banks create money (banking). A deposit may be on... (6) account or

Deposit account. These two types of accounts are known as demand deposits and time deposits in

the USA. Bankers’ deposits are deposits by a commercial bank at the central bank.

8.7.4. Written/Oral Practice

Make up sentences and microdialogues with the following word combinations on the subject of the unit.

Work with a partner.

А) котировка — quotation

Quotation of shares (of stocks), share (stock)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 193 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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