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Welcome to the California hotel

R: Hello! ______________________ the California hotel! Can I help you?

JC: Yes, please. My name is Joanne Connor, and this is Mr. Samuel Hunt. We have a ______________________.

R: ______________________, please. Connor, Connor… Yes, you have a reservation. It is for two people, for 10 nights. A double room.

JC: Are you ______________________ We ______________________ two single rooms.

R: Oh, I’m Sorry. Two single rooms, of course. Here are your ______________________. The rooms are ______________________.


R: Hello, the California hotel. Robert speaking.

DH: Hello, Robert. Samuel Hunt speaking, room 507.

R: How сan I help you sir?

HD: ______________________, do you have ______________________?

R: Yes, sir, every day. We _____________________ at 9.00 AM ____________________

DH: And ______________________ is the restaurant?

R: It’s on ______________________.

DH: Thank you very much.

R: You’re welcome.


better(лучше) (good-better-the best) black-and-white (черно-белый) escaped (сбежавший) free (свободный) small (маленький) should (следует) to find (найти) to go straight ahead (идите прямо) to search (обыскать, осмотреть) to take (взять) to take a taxi(взять такси). to try (попытайся) to turn(поверните)  
after (после) again(снова) also (также) far(далеко) from here(отсюда; «от здесь») left (налево) over there (вон там) right (верно) right (направо) so (итак) then(потом) until(до) where (где) where to (куда/ ехать)  
a clue(улика, зацепка) a criminal (преступник) a crossroads (перекресток) a driver (водитель) a passer-by (прохожий) a place (место) a stranger (незнакомец, иностранец)  
I have no idea (понятий не имею). I am a stranger here myself (сам не местный) I see (понятно; to see – видеть) Just(просто) That's why (вот почему)  



_______________________ the breakfast.

DH: So (итак), the new case.

JC: Yes?

DH: We must _______________________.

JC: An escaped criminal?

DH: Yes. His name is Simon Cross, and he is from Stratford-on-Avon.

JC: _____________ we are here!

DH: ___________________. This is his photo, you can _______________________ it. _______________________ know his address. It’s 4, Queen Street.

JC: 4, Queen Street.

DH: Right. You __________ go there and _______________________ the _______________________ _______________________ to find some _________.

JC: Yes, sir.


2.1 P = Passer-by JC = Joanne Connor

JC: Excuse me, _______________is Queen Street?

P: Sorry, _______________. I’m a _______________.

2.2 P = Policeman JC = Joanne Connor

JC: Excuse me, where is Queen Street?

P: Queen Street? Oh, it’s _______________. Do you know the Theatre?

JC: No, I’m a stranger here.

P: OK, ____ ______­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___ _________and _________ ______­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___ ________ __________ ______­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___ _________. _________ ______­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___ ________and go straight ahead until the Theatre. And then turn right ______­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___.

JC: Thank you. Is it _________ ______­­­­­­­­­­­6­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___ _________?

P: Yes, it’s _________ _____ ______­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___ ___ _________.

JC: Thank you very much.

P: You’re welcome.


TD = Taxi Driver JC = Joanne Connor

JC: Hello, are you _________.

TD: Yes, ma’am. ____________ __?

JC: 4, Queen Street. Do you know the ____________?

TD: Yes, of course. It’s a ___________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________, right?

JC: I have no idea. I’m a stranger here.

TD: Oh, it’s a beautiful _______ cottage. I like _______________________ houses very much…

TD: So, this it Queen Street. Number 4 is _________ _______.

JC: Where?

TD: That ____________ cottage.

JC: Oh, __ __________. Thanks a lot.

TD: You’re welcome. £ 10, please.


a bathroom (ванная) a bath-tub (ванна) a carpet (ковер) a chair (стул) a cooker (плита) a cupboard (шкаф). a desk (письменный стол) a floor (пол) a fridge (холодильник) a guy (парень) a kitchen (кухня) a label (этикетка) a lamp (лампа) a laptop (ноутбук) a living-room (гостиная) a mirror (зеркало) a picture (картина) a rug (коврик) a shampoo (шампунь). a sink (раковина) a soap (мыло) a table (стол) a towel (полотенце) awall (стена) a wardrobe (гардероб)a window (окно) an armchair (кресло) clothes (одежда) dust (пыль) next step (следующий шаг) papers (бумаги) clever (умный) empty (пустые) local (местный) ordinary (обычное)
between (между) near (рядом) on(на) under (под)
any (какие-нибудь) anything (что-нибудь) something (что-нибудь) nothing (ничего)
if (что если) just (всего лишь, только; просто) maybe (может быть) much (много)a lot of (много) there is (там есть) unfortunately (к сожалению)
to hear (heard-heard) (слышать) to leave (left-left) (оставлять) to look at (посмотри на) to slip (проскользнуть, ускользнуть) to take(took-taken) home (взять домой) took away (он все забрал) I'm afraid so (боюсь, что так) It says (она говорит = на ней написано ) Well done! (хорошо сделано = молодец)



Constable Connor comes into the cottage and phones Detec­tive Hunt

JC: Can you ------------ me, sir?

DH: Yes, constable. Where are you?

JC: In the cottage. It's very small. _______________ a _______________, a ______________ and a_____________. I'm in the living-room now.

DH: What can you see?

JC: Not _________. There is a______________________, an _________________, a ____________________, a _________ and a _________.

DH: What is there on the table?

JC: ________________________.

DH: Is there a __________ or a ____________? _____________________?

JC: _______________ no, sir.

DH: What is there ___________________________?


DH: Does it work?

JC: Just a moment, sir... no, it doesn't.

DH: Look at _________________, ___________ there is_________________.

JC: No, sir, nothing. Just ____________________________.

DH: Are there any ___________________ in the wardrobe? JC: Just a moment... no, sir.

DH: What is there _______________________?

JC: The walls are ___________. There are no ________________, no_______, nothing.

DH: So, he _________ everything ________.


DH: Where are you now, constable?

JC: In the bathroom, sir.

DH: Is there ________________________ interesting?

JC: Well, there's _________________, ________________________ and ______________. Oh, and _______________ on the ___________________. And again, _____________________ under the rug.

DH: Are there any ______________________?

JC: Hm, no. Not even _____________________ or_____________________.

DH: He's a ________________ _________________, this Simon Cross.

JC: ___ _________________ _____ sir.


IC: I'm in the kitchen now, sir. There is a ____________ and two _____________, a __________________, a ___________, a ____________ and two ____________

DH: Anything in the cupboards? JC: No, but... wait a minute...

DH: What?

JC: There is something __________ the fridge and the sink...

DH: Yes?

JC: Oh, well, it's nothing. It's just (всего лишь, только) a _________________.

DH: A towel? But he took everything away, even towels from the bathroom. Why did he _________________ this one?

JC: I think it just ______________________ between the fridge and the sink.

DH: Is it an ___________ towel?

JC: Well, yes, just an ordinary__________________ towel... but there is something on it... __________________. There is a la­bel. It ____________: "The Shelter Pub".

DH: It's a towel from the _____________ pub! Why did he take it ____________?

JC: What ________ he worked there?

DH: I think so, too. Well ________________, Connor! It's our _________________. We will go to the Shelter Pub.


Apple (яблоко) Barman (bar attender) Beef Steak (бифштекс) Beer (пиво) Bill (счет) Box (коробка для еды) Bread (хлеб) Butter (сливочное масло). Cake (торт) Cakes (пирожное) Carrot (морковь) Cheese-cake Cheese-plate (cheese – «сыр» + plate – «тарелка») Chicken (цыпленок) Chips (жаренная картошка) Chocolate Cider (сидр) Coffee Cold Dishes (холодные блюда): Cup of tea (чашечкa чая) Dessert (десерт) Drinks(напитки) Egg (яйцо) Fish (рыба) and Chips Fly (муха) in my pie. Fruit (фрукты) Garlic (чеснок) Genius (гений), Glasses(очки) Gravy (подливка) Half-pint (полпинты. Пинта = 0,568) Heart(сердце) Honey (мед) Hungry (голодный). Ice-cream (мороженное) Juice (сок) Lager (лагер – пиво осветленное методом низового брожения; светлое, легкое) Leek (лук-порей) Main Dishes: Mashed Potatoes (пюре. мятая картошка) Meat (мясо) Menu Mineral water Mushrooms (грибы) Onion (лук) Soup Orange (апельсин) Pea (зеленый горошек) Pie (пирог) Potato (картофель) Rice (рис) Salmon (лосось) Sausages (жаренные колбаски) Scotch (скотч) Shepherd’s Pie (пастуший пирог) Side-dishes (гарнир) Soup Sugar (сахар)? Tea (чай) The poor (бедняки). To eat (есть, кушать) To feed (fed-fed) (кормить) To read (read-read) (читать) Toast (гренки) Tomato Tuna (тунец) Vegetable (овощ) Waiter(официант) Whipped Cream (взбитые сливки) Wings (крылышки) Back (обратно) Baked (запеченный) Black (черный) White (белый) Green(зеленый) Hot(горячий) Kind (добрый) On duty (при исполнении; на дежурстве) Small (маленький) Delicious (восхитительно вкусный)
That will be it (это достаточно для меня) Anything else (что-нибудь еще)? Come on (да, ладно; брось), How was everything (как было все)? Hush (тсс)! Keep the change (оставьте сдачу). Anything to drink (что-нибудь выпить)?
To order (заказать) To insist (настаивать). gota job (get-got-got) (получил работу) To get (got-got) (попадать) To put (put-put) (класть) To leave (left-left)(забывать) Tomean (meant-meant) (то есть; я имею в виду), To meet(met-met) (встречаться) To show (showed-shown) (показывать) To be fired (быть уволенным)
Together (вместе) Separate (отдельно) For free (бесплатно) Impossible (невозможно) Sure (уверен) Inside (внутри)



W = Waiter DH = Detective Hunt JC = Joanne Connor

Detective Hunt and Constable Connor _____________ at the Shelter Pub and come in.

W: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

DH: Yes, please. Can we see the menus?

W: Of course, sir. Here you are. __________?

DH: Yes, please. _________________ of lager, please.

W: And you, ma’am?

JC: _________________________, please.

W: _______________ or _______________?

JC: Green, please.

W: _______?

JC: No, thank you.

W: OK, thank you. Just a moment.

The waiter goes away.

JC: How can you drink ________, sir?! We’re _________________________.

DH: ______________ (тсс)! We’re here incognito.


DH: Joanne, dear, can you ____________ the menu for me? I ________________ my _______________ at home.

JC: Yes, sir…I ___________________________, Samuel. Of course.


W: Here are your drinks. Are you ready _______________?

DH: Yes, thank you. I’ll take a big shepherd’s pie, half-pint of the “Hobgoblin”

W: __________

DH: Yes, a __________.

W: Right. And you, ma’am?

JC: Just a __________.

DH: Oh, __________, Joanne! You had no much, right? You must be __________.

JC: Yes, but I’m a vegetarian. I don’t ____________________.

W: Do you eat fish ma’am? Today we have a __________ baked salmon with __________ sauce.

JC: Really? I’ll take it.

W: Any __________?

JC: Mashed potatoes, please. And I think I’ll take a tomato soup, too.

W: Very well, ma’am. So it’s a shepherd’s pie, a fruit pie, half-pint of ale and two sausages for you, sir, and a tomato soup, baked salmon with mashed potatoes and carrot cake for you, ma’am. Anything else?

DH: No, thank you. ____________________.


W: ___ ____ ___________?

JC: Oh, it was very good. Can we have a ______?

W: Yes, of course.

DH: And can I have the _____, please?

Waiter brings the box and the bill.

W: Here’s your box and your bill. _______ or ­­­­_________.

DH: Together.

W: OK, it’s £ 47.50.

DH: Right, here is a fifty. _____ ____ ____________.

W: Thank you, sir. Have a nice day.


JC: Well, the dinner was great, but what do we do now?

DH: Now we talk to the manager!

B: = Barman DH = Detective Hunt

B: How can I help you?

DH: I'd like to see the manager.

B: What's the problem, sir?

DH: There is __________ in my pie.

B: It's ___________! Are you ___________?

DH: Here it is.

Detective Hunt _______ his pie. There is a ________ fly ________.

B: All right, sir, you can have your money ______.

DH: No, I'd like to see the manager. I _________.

B: OK, sir. Please come with me.


DH: Well, Connor, I talked to the manager. JC: What did he say?

DH: Simon Cross worked here. He was a barman. But he was ________.

JC: Why?

DH: Because he __________ the ______ when the manager didn't see him. ____ ____.

JC: What?! How strange...

DH: Yes, a criminal with a ________ __________... The manager says, Simon ____ ___ ____ in a shop in Park Lane.

JC: You're a ______, sir. But... Can I ask you some thing? How did that fly _____ in your pie?

DH: Ah... It's easy, constable. I _____ it there.

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