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Interpretation Typology

Interpretation may be divided into two groups, unequal in meaning and importance: training interpretation (учбовий переклад) and real interpretation (реальний переклад). Below there is a classification of the aspects of interpretation activity in the sphere of oral translation

1. Training interpretation II. Real consecutive interpretation
classroom real life
classes everyday (raw) professional
practice independent work ↓ Types of professional two-way and monologue interpretation by method of communication:
Simultaneous interpretation · Main/basic types
· with full equipment · combined types
· with “whisperer” (з „шепталом“)  
· without equipment (half-synchronic) · auxiliary types

Types of training interpretation and real type of interpretation by the result of communication

· communicative (at the level of understanding) (c.f. everyday);

· idiomatic (at the level of unity and harmonious combination of form and content with adequacy more than 85%).

Explanation of the diagram:

1) Sphere of everyday interpretation: non-formal communication on everyday basis or in non-formal circumstances; way of interpretation: paragraph-phrase interpretation (абзацно-фразовий переклад), interpretation from the sheet (at sight – переклад з листа).

2) Sphere of professional interpretation: formal-official situations of two-way communication (summit talks, dialogues, meetings, etc.), formal situations of monologue speech (speeches, performances, statements, lectures, seminars, briefings, etc.) at the level of responsibility;

Ways of interpretation:

a) main ways – paragraph-phrase interpretation, two-way without making notes, two-way with making notes, half-synchronous and their variants depending on the communicational situation;

b) combined ways - interpretation from the sheet, cinema/video/TV-interpretation (cinema-video interpretation);

c) auxiliary ways – (summarization, translation of slides, lantern-slides, tables and diagrams, computer translation).

General types of training and real interpretation by the result: communicative (sufficient for understanding), idiomatic (adequate in form and style of presentation).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 275 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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