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Understanding and Extraction of Meaningful Units

While interpreting there is no possibility to draw away from the context. One must learn the skill of extracting meaningful units which must be translated, i.e. analyzing the text even when some of its portion was not understood or was comprehended with distortions, especially when translating from foreign language. The point is that every message is always overlaid by noise, different types of disturbances and interferences, which make message comprehension difficult. Not always these noises can be eliminated fully, especially when we use sound-transmitting equipment. Often the interpretation proceeds in circumstances not adapted for high quality communication (place with bad acoustics, – boom, buzz, unauthorized, secondary talks, lots of people present, industrial or agricultural enterprise, construction site, military object, transport, etc.).

It goes without saying that a prerequisite to the satisfactory interpretation of the speech is that it should be understood as fully and accurately as possible. This implies that the interpreter should:

1) hear it well;

2) have an intimate knowledge of the language in which it was given;

3) be acquainted with the specific culture of the country of the speaker;

4) be aware of the linguistic peculiarities of that country in connection with pronunciation, terminology, etc.;

5) be well versed in the subject matter;

6) have the advantage of a wide general education.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 231 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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