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First translation of the Bible as a milestone in the history of interpretation and the development of world civilization.Later history of interpretation

Saint Geronimo was born in Dalmacia (Bosnia and Herzegovina) into a rich Christian family. It is known that he was born on September 30, which is now marked as the Day of translators. He got education in Rome, intensively studied ancient and Christian literature. In 375-378 AD he was living the life of a hermit in a desolate wilderness near Antioch (now Antalia).

He returned to Rome, was the Pope Damasy’s councilor. Perhaps Geronimo could become Pope’s successor, but he was not elected and left Rome, in 386 he settled in Bethlehem as a hermit.

He learned Aramaic and Hebrew languages, founded several monasteries, was the superior of the monastery in Beit-Lakhma near Jerusalem, where he died.

The major deed of Geronimo’s life was the translation of the Bible. Till nowadays he remains the greatest Bible connoisseur or expert, the only Christian scholar, who was studying the Bible in original. on the instructions of the Pope Damasy he carried out its exploration and created a new edition of Latin texts of the New Testament, translated from Greek. Then he addressed to the originals, made a new translation of the Scriptures from Hebrew into Latin (390-405).

In 1546 at the Trident ecumenical council his Latin text of the Bible was accepted as canonical. By its influence on the development of civilization the work of Geronimo has no equals in the history of mankind. Therefore not without reason in the sacred place – sanctuary of Catholicism, St. Paul’s cathedral in Rome not far from the altar there is a huge mosaic depicting canonization of a zealous translator.

We can speak about Geronimo as a writer, historian and translator, who has united the oriental and Western culture and written the first Christian history of literature, in which he included the works of 135 Christian writers.

Saint Jerome in his Study, by Domenico Ghirlandaio St. Jerome, by Peter Paul Rubens, 1625–1630

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 275 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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