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True or false

1) Ainsley read Dicky's letters before throwing them into the fire.

2) Adela often gave reason for jealousy.

3) It was a long time since Dicky Soames had gone away to Australia to join his uncle.

4) This fact made Ainsley forget his jealousy.

5) When the working hours were over Ainsley took the letter and left the post-office together with his fellow-workers.

6) The postmaster saw Ainsley getting out of the window and thinking that he had stolen something dismissed him.

7) Ainsley envied Dicky when he learned that the latter had come into his uncle's money.

8) When Ainsley understood that he was to blame for everything he told the truth.

"Adela was as frank as the day" – what does it mean? There are a lot of idioms of the same kind. Explain their meaning, try to give the corresponding Russian expressions and use these idioms in the sentences of your own.

as strong as an ox

as fresh as a cucumber

as strong as nails

as busy as a bee

as sure as fate (as certainly as)

as thick as thieves (very friendly)

as hungry as a hunter

as old as the sea

as slow as a snail

Give a character sketch of the main hero.

Discuss the following:

What is the main idea of the story?

What is your attitude towards the main character of the story?

What are your emotions after reading the story? Did you like the plot?

Retell the story in short.

Find grammatical phenomena and structures which you have studied during the semester.


Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 844 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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