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Answer the questions. Why did the doctor visit the old man?

Why did the doctor visit the old man?

Was the old man obedient?

What did the doctor offer his patient to prevent him from working hard?

What was the old man’s reaction to the doctor’s recommendation?

Did he manage to become a reputed painter?

Why did he fail to become an outstanding painter?

Were his paintings in great demand among art-lovers?

Paraphrase the following expressions

it was necessary to keep him from buying things

This was not an ordinary case-

I don't mean to hurt you

Swain did not give up teaching-

The picture was awful-

Swain's visits grew more frequent-

highly pleased with smth-

Give Russian equivalents

an ordinary case

financial transactions

end in failure

obey orders

take up art

make smb suspicious

As a matter of fact

To be awarded a prize

To become dumb with astonishment

Retell the text briefly. Give a character sketch of the main hero(es).

Find grammatical aspects and structures which you have studied during the semester

Discuss the following:

Do you know anything about the author of this story?

What is your attitude towards the main character of the story?

What are your emotions after reading the story? Did you like the plot?


Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 454 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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