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Exercises for Class and Homework. Exercise I. State whether the words below are genuine or pseudo-international

Exercise I. State whether the words below are genuine or pseudo-international. Substantiate your judgements:

adressee, adequate, admiral, algebraic, allergy, Alpine, annul­ment, archive, bamboo, botanist, bronchitis, capillary, cockatoo, cy­bernetics, dissymetric, ellipsis, epochal, evacuee, fantasia, geom­eter, hierarchical, hypotaxis, iambus, inductor, lectureship, morphe­mic, morphologist, non-metal, parallelepiped, parataxis, professorate, quixotry, reduction, rhematic, sable, scenery, sonorant, stereometry, subcommittee, sublieutenant, substantival (gram.), synthetic, systemic (gram.), technologist, utilize, vacuum, voltameter, waffle, zinc, xylonite.

Exercise II. Identify the genuine international and the pseudo-international (non-international) meanings in the follow­ing lexemes:

accumulator, accuracy, ambition, analyst, autocrat, balance, barbarity, buffet; calendar, civil, code, colours, co-ordination; damask, desperation, diminutive, dramatic, dynamic; effective, elementary, expedition; faction, fiction, film, figure, front; gentleman; harmonious, humanity, hypothetical; imitation, instrument; juridical; liberal, loco­motive; marshal, medicine, minister; nation, natural; objective, officer, original; pamphlet, paragraph, petition, press, pygmy; racing, record, revolution; scene, storm; tank, tattooing, terror, twist; vector, vulgar; wag(g)on; zodiacal; frigid zone.

Exercise III. Translate the following English compounds. Point out which of their lexical equivalents in Ukrainian are compound/simple words or word-combinations and which are partially/fully international or pseudo-international:

a) air-mechanic, administer, arch (n), barman, club-law, coffee-bean, dessert-knife, gas-main, lieutenant-colonel, mine-layer, motive­less, paper-cutter, phrase-book, soda-fountain, soda-water, submachine-gun, sugar-cane, tiger's-eye, cane-sugar, motoring, mythi­cize, narcotism, number, orchestric;

b) day-school, field-hospital, fire-bomb, fire-brigade, fish-torpedo, hand-grenade, opium-eater, horsemaster, seeding-machine, stamp-album, steam-turbine, stock-farm, telegenic, teleshow, talking-film, tape-machine, travel-bureau, washing-machine, zenith-distance;

c) boxing-match, consul-general, electro-dynamic, figure-artist, flag-captain, grammar-school, office-copy, orange-coloured, palm-oil, party-club, press-corrector, press-box, radio-controlled, station-mas­ter, sugar-refinery, tram-line, yacht-club.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 748 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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