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Translating via Transcribing/Conveying the Sounding Structure

Many genuine internationalisms are also faithfully rendered into the target language in their sounding form. This kind of translating pro­vides the rendition of the lexical meaning of a lot of internationalisms originating from English, French and some other languages, which have their orthographic systems based on other than phonetical principles.

Cf.: English: boom бум, box бокс, yeans джинси, knock-out нокаут, leader лідер, raid рейд, round раунд, ггас/стрек; French: boulevard бульвар, bouquet букет, bourgeoisie буржуазія, bureau бюро, drape драп, prize приз, pince-nez пенсне, etc.

The English and French international lexemes above belong to the lexico-grammatical class of nouns. But the number of genuine internationalisms, whose lexical meaning is faithfully conveyed in their unchanged original lingual form is small. More units of the layer of lexicon in English and Ukrainian do not fully coincide in their ortho­graphic, sounding and morphological (structural) form. This is to be explained by the differences in the phonetic and morphological sys­tems of the two languages and also by the possible influence of a third language as an intermediary between the source/target language and the language from which the international lexeme originates. To render faithfully the denotative meaning and the lingual form of these genuine internationalisms other ways of translating are to be employed.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 338 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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