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Общепринятые сокращения на иностранных языках

ad loc. ad locum (Lat.), at the place
Apoc. Apocrypha(l)
Aq. Aquila's Gk. tr. of ОТ, с. AD 140
b. bar/ben (Aram./Heb.), son of
BM British Museum
c. circa (Lat.), about, approximately
ch. (chs.) chapter(s)
D Deuteronomist
diss. dissertation
DSS Dead Sea Scrolls
eccl. Lat. ecclesiastical Latin
Ecclus. Ecclesiasticus (Apoc.)
ed. (eds.) edited by, edition, editor(s)
E.T. English translation
et al. et alii (Lat.), and others
EVV English version
f.c. forthcoming
f. (ff.) and the following (verse(s), etc.)
fig. figuratively
H Law of Holiness
ibid. ibidem (Lat.), the same work
idem idem (Lat.), the same author
J Yahwist
lit. literally
L.L. Late Latin
loc. cit. loco citato (Lat.), in the place al­ready quoted
LXX Septuagint (Gk. version of ОТ)
Масс. Maccabees (Apoc.)
mg. margin
mod. modern
MS (MSS) manuscript(s)
MT Massoretic text
n.f. neue Folge (Ger.), new series
n.s. new series
NT New Testament
OE Old English
OL Old Latin
op. cit. opere citato (Lat.), in the work cited above
ОТ Old Testament
par. and parallel(s)
passim to be found at various places throug­hout the text
Pent. Pentateuch
per se by or in itself
Pesh Peshitta
Phoen. Phoenician
pl. plate (illustration)
Q Quelle (Ger.), source thought to be '"behind sayings of Jesus common to Mt. and Lk.
q. v. quod vide (Lat.), which see
R. Rabbi
Rom. Roman
Suppl. supplementary volume
s. v. sub verbo (Lat.), under the word
Symm. Symmachus' Gk. tr. of ОТ, 2nd century AD
Targ. Targum
Theod. Theodotion's Gk. tr. of ОТ, 2nd century AD
TR Textus Receptus
tr. translated, translation
v. (vv.) verse(s)
v.l. vario lectio (Lat.), variant reading
vol. volume
vss versions
Vulg. Vulgate

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