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VOCABULARY. dreadful – ужасный, страшный, очень плохой, отвратительный

dreadful – ужасный, страшный, очень плохой, отвратительный

to be crammed with – быть битком набитым ч-л.

bathing suit – купальный костюм two-piece bathing suit – раздельный купальный костюм

woolly – шерстяной свитер to change for dinner – переодеваться к обеду

ridiculous – смешной to store up – запасать, откладывать

blind – слепой charms - чары

to be dressed in good taste – одеваться со вкусом

It boosts my morale. – Это помогает мне оставаться в форме.

T-shirt – футболка sandals - сандалии

bathing trunks – купальные плавки shaving kit – бритвенные принадлежности

decent – приличный

Exercise 12. Answer the questions:

1. Where are the Newmans going for their holiday? For how long? 2. Who is absolutely dissatisfied with the wardrobe? 3. What will Mrs. Newman need for warm days? for chilly days? 4. Can Mr. Newman notice the difference between silk and cotton? 5. What will Mr. Newman need? 6. Why doesn’t Mr. Newman want to take a dark suit, a decent tie and shoes?

Exercise 13. Decide whether the following statements are true or false:

1. Mr. and Mrs. Newman are going for a week’s holiday at the seaside. 2. Mrs. Newman says she has got almost nothing to put on. 3. Mr. Newman suggests that she should take just a few summer dresses. 4. Mrs. Newman doesn’t like storing up clothes and her wardrobe is half empty. 5. She hasn’t got a single evening dress. 6. They won’t have to change for dinner. 7. Mrs. Newman likes to be dressed in good taste because it boosts her moral. 8. Mr. Newman wants to take just a pair of jeans and two shirts.

Exercise 14. Enact a similar dialogue:

a young lady and an elderly lady are packing their luggage for a fortnight’s holiday;

two friends are going for a week’s holiday at the Baltic;

you are going on a hike, so your mother and you are making up a list of clothes you are going to take.

Exercise 15. Points to discuss:

What do you like to wear?

at home; at work; when going to the theatre; to a ball; your favorite color scheme, dress material, style

What is you attitude to clothes?

indifferent or particular about what to wear; spending a fortune on clothes; buying ready-made clothes or having theme made to measure; having excellent taste in dress; always dressed in perfect taste; slovenly in dress; cultivating a personal taste in dress or wearing conventional clothes; dressed according to the latest fashion at all costs (even it doesn’t suit you)

What to do with clothes you no longer need?

store them up; sell them at a jumble sale; discard them, pass them down to a younger person

What is the latest fashion in evening dress, men’s suits and shirts, skirts and trousers?

dress material, style and design

Why do most women like to be well-dressed?

to impress other women or the opposite sex; for their own sake; any other reason

What would you take with you if you were to go on a fortnight’s holiday in the mountains (at the seaside, in the country)?

the best way of packing one’s suitcase; make a list in advance; ask somebody to do it for you; take all the things you might need or just the bare necessities

What preconceived ideas exist regarding the way the following people dress: a) a typical London businessman; b) an elderly English lady; c) a Parisian?

8. What is “fashion” itself?

changes in clothes and other personal possessions (such as cars, etc.) or a kind of behavior

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 396 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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