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Packing for a holiday

Mr. Newman and Mrs. Newman are packing for a holiday at a fashionable seaside resort.

Mrs. Newman: This is really dreadful. Just look at my wardrobe!

Mr. Newman: I see it's crammed with clothes.

Mrs. Newman: Crammed? I have got absolutely nothing to put on. Now just consider we’ll be away for a fortnight, which, which means I must have at least five summer dresses, a couple of bathing suits and a two-piece for sunbathing.

Mr. Newman: What if the sun lets us down?

Mrs. Newman: Exactly. I need a suit for chilly days, a woolly or two. Maybe this cardigan would do. We'll have to change for dinner in that hotel and I haven't got a single fashionable evening dress.

Mr. Newman: Don’t be ridiculous. You’ve been storing up clothes for years.

Mrs. Newman: Yes, but most of them are out of fashion. I don't believe you even notice the difference between silk and cotton, a long or a short dress…

Mr. Newman: I do notice that!

Mrs. Newman: You don’t even notice the colour of my dress.

Mr. Newman: Then why worry if we men are so blind to your charms.

Mrs. Newman: I like to be dressed in good taste for my own sake. It boosts my morale. There's no use in discussing such problems with you. How about packing your things?

Mr. Newman: Well, all I need is a pair of jeans, a few T-shirts, sandals and bathing trunks. Of course I'll take some underwear and my shaving kit, no more.

Mrs. Newman: What about the evenings? You'll have to have a dark suit, a decent tie and shoes.

Mr. Newman: My dear! I'm going for a holiday, not a fashion parade!

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 323 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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