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Leasing. Types of leases

Almost any asset that can be purchased can be leased, from aircraft to zithers. When we take vacations or business trips, renting a car for a few days frequently seems a convenient thing to do. This is an example of a short-term lease. After all, buying a car and selling it a few days later would be a great nuisance.

Corporations lease both short-term and long-term more than five years. Long-term leasing is a method of financing property, plant, and equipment. More equipment is financed today by long-term leases than by any other method of equipment financing.

Every lease contract has two parties: the lessee and the lessor. The lessee is the user of the equipment, and the lessor is the owner. Typically, the lessee first decides on the asset needed and then negotiates a lease contract with a lessor. From the lessee -standpoint, long-term leasing is similar to buying the equipment with a secured loan. The terms of the lease contract are compared to what a banker might arrange with a secured loan. Thus, long-term leasing is a form of financing.

Many questionable advantages are claimed for long-term leasing, such as "leasing provides 100-percent financing," or "leasing conserves capital." However, the principal benefit of long-term leasing is tax reduction. Leasing allows the transfer of tax benefits from those who need equipment but cannot take full advantage of the tax benefits associated with ownership to a party who can. If the corporate income tax were repealed, long-term leasing would virtually disappear.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 179 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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