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Credit risk

A credit risk is the amount of potential for default that is inherent in a given debt investment or extension of credit. A lender or an investor in various types of bonds carries a degree of credit risk on any transaction conducted. Assessing the degree of risk involved is essential before completing any type of lending or investment transaction.

In the case of lending money, the entity that provides the loan carries the credit risk. For this reason, a lender will want to know pertinent information regarding the ability of the borrower to repay the amount of the loan, including all finance charges and related fees. If the lender is unable to determine that the borrower will be able to repay the loan, the borrower may be considered a poor credit risk and be denied.

With the purchase of bond issues, it is the buyer who assumes a degree of credit risk. Bonds generally carry a commitment on the part of the bond issuer to provide the buyer with full repayment of the purchase price of the bond at some future point. As part of the transaction, the buyer also anticipates some type of dividend or interest payment in exchange for the purchase of the bond. If the bond issuer is not likely to be able to repay the principal or provide interest payments as outlined in the terms of the bond, the issuer is understood to be a poor credit risk.

Just about any type of transaction that involves the extension of credit in some form carries a degree of credit risk. In many cases, the level of risk is very low and thus considered acceptable. At the same time, it is important to explore all relevant factors before assuming any degree of credit risk. Failure to do so can result in a loss to a lender or bond investor that may be significant.

Words you may need:

default – несплата

inherent – притаманний

debt investment – боргові інвестиції

lender – кредитор

bond – облігація

loan – кредит

pertinent – доречний

to deny – заперечувати

commitment – зобов'язаність

to anticipate – попереджувати

thus – таким чином

to explore – досліджувати

failure – невдача

2. Read the text carefully once more and decide whether these statements are true or false. Reason it out. Make use of the following phrases:

There are two ways of looking at this / there can’t be two ways about it / it would be a mistake to think/ we have to bear in mind/ what commonly happens is / it’s been my observation that/ I know from personal experience/ my personal view (understanding, standing) is… / there is no denying the fact that…

1. A credit risk is the amount of potential for default that is usual in a given debt investment or extension of credit.

2. Any transaction conducted is accompanied by a certain degree of credit risk.

3. But it isn't always necessary to asses a credit risk before completing any type of lending or investment transaction.

4. The entity that provides the loan (credit) carries the credit risk.

5. In any case a lender must know all the information regarding the ability of the borrower to repay the amount of the loan, including all finance charges and related fees.

6. With the purchase of bond issues, it is the seller who assumes a degree of credit risk.

7. As part of the transaction, the seller also anticipates some type of dividend or interest payment in exchange for the purchase of the bond.

8. If the bond issuer is not likely to be able to repay the principal or provide interest payments as outlined in the terms of the bond, the issuer is understood to be a poor credit risk.

9. Just about any type of transaction that involves the extension of credit in some form carries a very low degree of credit risk that is acceptable in any case.

10. It is important to explore all relevant factors before assuming any degree of credit risk.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 243 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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